Amnesty International Write For Rights, Noon on Saturday 11 January 2025 at First United Church

What: Amnesty International Write For Rights Write For Rights -- Amnesty International
When: Noon to 4:00pm on Saturday 11 January 2025
Where: Hilliard Hall at First United Church
Location: 16 William Street West, Waterloo, Ontario Map
Contact: (Amnesty International’s chapter in Waterloo Region)

Write for Rights is this coming Saturday January 11 from Noon to 4:00pm in Hilliard Hall at First United Church. If you are able, we suggest printing up the letters and signing them in advance. Then we can bring them to First United to allow more time to work on cards of support during the event.

Amnesty International Write For Rights letter package 2024 (PDF, 515 kBytes)

You are invited to join human rights advocates in the Kitchener/Waterloo area as we take part in Amnesty International’s annual Write for Rights letter-writing campaign. Along with hundreds of thousands of people across 200 countries and territories, we will gather to write letters and sign petitions in support of nine individuals or groups whose rights are at risk.

Every year, people around the world write millions of letters, emails, tweets, Facebook posts and postcards in support of those who are unjustly persecuted. Write for Rights has helped transform the lives of more than 100 people since 2001, freeing them from torture, harassment, or unjust imprisonment. In 2023, more than 5.8 million actions were taken, making Write for Rights the biggest human rights event in the world.

This year Amnesty International’s nine cases include the Wet’suwet’en Land Defenders in BC, Canada, a singer and young mother in Angola sentenced to two years in prison for criticizing the president, a young man in Argentina who was blinded by rubber bullets when taking part in a peaceful demonstration, a university student in Egypt detained and tortured in retaliation for his brother’s activism, and a forensic medicine expert in Turkey renowned for her work to eradicate torture, who has been subjected to baseless criminal investigations, detention and prosecutions.

Your words have the power to change lives! Please join us to sign letters and send messages of support to change lives for the better. We have prepared letters for you to sign at the event — or if you have the time, to print and sign now — and bring to the event. Each case (except the Canadian one) has two letters to be signed; one to the government and the second to the embassy of that government. Please include your printed name, city name, Canada and your postal code with your signature.

Whether you sign the letters at the event or sign the letters in advance and bring them to the event, we will mail them for you. If you prefer to mail the letters or cards yourself, please inform us at which letters and cards you have sent so that we can include them in our official count.

We hope that you will spend your time at the event creating cards and messages of support for the people on whose behalf we are acting this year. Blank cards and drawing materials will be provided.

For more information about this event, email For more information about Canada-based Write for Rights events and resources, see

Your words are powerful
Write a letter, change a life.
Date & Time: Saturday, 11 January 2025
Location: First United Church
16 William St. West
From noon to 4pm
Details: in Hilliard Hall

(photo of a woman with curly hair smiling at the camera and holding a yellow pen and papers, the background is a photo of a woman surrounded by boxes of letters. There is a QR code at the bottom surrounded by  text: scan to join)

War is Not Essential – KW Rally 1pm on Thu, 11 June 2020 – #StopArmingSaudi

War is Not Essential: Day of Action to #StopArmingSaudi (partial image of a Light Armoured Vehicle to the left of a black banner with words)
What: War is Not Essential – Kitchener-Waterloo
When: Thursday, 11 June 2020 from 1:00pm to 2:00pm
Where: In front of office of the Hon. Bardish Chagger, MP for Waterloo
Location: 100 Regina Street South, Waterloo, Ontario Map

In the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic, Canada has lifted the moratorium on issuing arms exports for weapons destined for Saudi Arabia, and Light Armoured Vehicles (LAVs) continue to be manufactured in London, Ontario under the label of an essential service.

Saudi Arabia has used these LAVs to suppress peaceful protests and there is mounting evidence that Canadian-made LAVs are being deployed in the war in Yemen. Canadian arms exports just don’t line up with Canada’s legal commitment under the Arms Trade Treaty or a feminist foreign policy. Ending arms exports doesn’t have to mean the loss of good jobs. As we confront the twin crises of COVID-19 and climate change, the call for conversion of arms industries to socially useful production must be loud and clear.

Join us on June 11th for a day of action to #StopArmingSaudi.

If you are in or near Kitchener-Waterloo, you can join a physically-distant protest outside MP for Waterloo Bardish Chagger’s constituency office (360-100 Regina St. South, Waterloo). Please respect public health directives, maintain physical distancing and wear masks.

No matter where you are, you can join us for a simultaneous virtual protest to show your solidarity and hear from speakers on the ground and at the forefront of the movement to #StopArmingSaudi.

Join us for the virtual protest on Zoom


If you can’t join the virtual protest, take part in the day of action on social media:

Share your opposition and call on Canada to #StopArmingSaudi. Tag General Dynamics Land Systems, Justin Trudeau and François-Philippe Champagne, along with your own Member of Parliament (find them at to ask them to take action now.

Take action now:

Sign Oxfam Canada’s petition:

Sign Amnesty Canada’s English petition:

Sign Amnesty Canada’s French petition:

This day of action is jointly organized by: KW Peace, Labour Against the Arms Trade, People for Peace London, Council of Canadians London Chapter, Amnesty International Canada, Amnistie Internationale Canada, Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East, Canadian Voices of Women for Peace, Peace Brigades International Canada, Oxfam Canada, World Beyond War and Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom.