Just testing . .
Category: Health
Personal health, and health/medicine policy
Tell Harper: Don’t cut Polio funding!
I just learned of an initiative by Results Canada www.results-resultats.ca to urge the Harper government to maintain Canada’s funding for the Global Polio Eradication Initiative, at the UN on Sept 27.
Here’s the letter I sent, with copies to the appropriate Opposition critics:
To the Hon Julian Fantino, Minister of International Co-operation:
Dear Minister,
Global Polio Eradication Initiative
On Sept 27 at the United Nations General Assembly, the Global Polio Eradication Initiative will be asking the nations of the world to replenish funding for their work for 2013 and beyond.
I understand that Canada intends to reduce its contribution to the GPEI from $35 million to $14.5 million in 2013.
Such a reduction in funding would be tragic and premature. Countries previously free of polio are still experiencing re-infections because the vaccination effort is not complete.
Do not let this dreaded disease make a comeback! I urge you to maintain Canada’s level of funding, and even increase it, until polio is truly gone forever.
www.theendofpolio.com .
Yours sincerely,
Eleanor Grant
Waterloo, Ont.
cc PM Harper
cc Opposition critics: Romeo Saganash MP, Mark Eyking MP, and Elizabeth May MP
cc Peter Braid MP
Here are the politicians’ e-mail addresses in a block, for ease of copying into the To line:
pm@pm.gc.ca, fantino.j@parl.gc.ca, sagana.r@gc.ca, eyking.m@parl.gc.ca, may.e@parl.gc.ca
and add your own MP.
Please also sign the petition on the End of Polio site mentioned in the letter above.
Hi KW Peace and Justice Folks
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