Rally for Gaza, 1:00pm on Sunday 19 November 2023 in Waterloo Public Square

What: Rally for Gaza
When: 1:00pm, Sunday, 19 November 2023
Where: Waterloo Public Square Map


(illustration of barbed wire with the Palestine colours (black, red, green) swirling inside)

حركة الشباب الفلسطيني

Lift the Siege on Gaza Now

End Canadian Complicity

Ceasefire Now

10K Rally For Gaza!


Sunday, November 19th, 2023 – 1pm
Waterloo Public Square

Lift the Seige (sic) on Gaza Now | End Canadian Complicity | Ceasefire Now | Palestinian Youth Movement | 10K Rally for Gaza ! Kitchener-Waterloo | Sun, Nov 19th - 1pm | Waterloo Public Square (photo of a man wearing a  keffiyeh holding a Palestinian flag, with another Palestinian flag behind him, and a crowd of people in the foreground. There are logos of supporting organizations along the bottom, including ACB, GroupUpWR, Land Back Camp)

Queer Youth Defence, 11am on Saturday 21 October 2023 in the Gaukel Block

UWSN (five queer-coloured fists in the power salute entering the frame from all angles)GroundUpWR (green, yellow, and black letters beside three yellow up-pointing arrows with green roots)
What: Queer Youth Defence | Second Assembly
When: 11:00am to 3:00pm on Saturday 21 October 2023
Where: Gaukel Block, 44 Gaukel Street, Kitchener Map
Who: GroundUpWR and UW Solidarity Network

What's Happening?

A hate group “Hands Off Our Kids” is using anti-queer rhetoric to take away the rights of youth in determining their own identities. This is the second such “Million March” they have planned. We are denying them a space to spew their bigotry and queerphobia, and protecting the rights of youth to safety and privacy.

What's at the event?

  • Drag performances
  • Music and Art
  • Spoken Word
  • Allies
  • Community Organizations
  • Resources

What to bring?

  • A Face Mask (some masks will be available)
  • Anti-Hate Banners / Signs
  • Water / Snacks
  • First Aid Supplies
  • Earplugs and/or Sunglasses

Queer Youth Defence | Second Assembly | Saturday October 21st (2023) | Gaukel Block (44 Gaukel St) 11am - 3pm | What's Happening? | A hate group "Hands Off Our Kids" is using anti-queer rhetoric to take away the rights of youth in determining their own identities. This is the second such "Million March" they have planned. We are denying them a space to spew their bigotry and queerphobia, and protecting the rights of youth to safety and privacy. | What's at the event? | Drag performances | Music and Art | Spoken Word | Allies | Community Organizations | Resources || What to bring? | A Face Mask (some masks will be available) | Anti-Hate Banners / Signs | Water / Snacks | First Aid Supplies | Earplugs and/or Sunglasses || #NoSpaceForHate | (logos of UWSN and GroundUpWR)

Instagram: groundupwr Join the Second Queer Youth Defence!

Waterloo Regional Labour Council host a Movie Night, Thursday 2 November 2023 at the Apollo Cinema

What: Labour Movie Night in Waterloo Region — CLiFF 15
When: 7:00pm to 9:00pm on Thursday 2 November 2023
Where: Apollo Cinema
Location: 141 Ontario Street North, Kitchener Map
Register: https://waterloolabour.ca/events/labour-movie-night-in-waterloo-region-cliff-15/

Join the Waterloo Region Labour Council for an evening of Labour Films from the Canadian Labour International Film Festival.

Included in the evening will be seven short films:

Bergie (film poster of a man lying under a pink blanket; credits are illegible) Bergie: The term “bergie” is a South Africanism that refers to people that are homeless. This short film presents the view with a problem — a law enforcement officer has to remove homeless people sleeping on a path in the city in order to make way for a 10km fun-run. To do this, he has to wrestle with fundamental questions about the dignity of human life.

When We Fight | Inside the 2018 L.A. Teachhrs' strike (Film poster: B&W photo of people protesting on an orange background. There's a film award badge, illegible) When We Fight: In the second largest school district in the United States, in Los Angeles, California, 98% of the teachers vote to authorize a strike. Watch as one of the largest educator strikes in modern U.S. history unfolds in real-time, highlighting the stories and leadership of some of the women who led it, from union leaders to classsroom teachers. When We Fight goes behind picket lines, documenting how and why teachers strike.

Not Another Ballet Story (film poster: photo of four women against a black background, two ballet dancers in another photo; other film credits illegible) Not Another Ballet Story: Choreography is traditionally a male dominated occupation. In this inspiring documentary, a small contemporary dance company in San Francisco provides dancers, many of them female, with the unique opportunity to choreograph modern ballet productions. The hope is that this experience will give rise to more female creators, leaders, and choreographers.

Where Are You From? (Film poster: photo of a Black woman in a pink dress; award badges and other credits illegible) Where Are You From? This film depicts a true story based on the producer’s life. A young woman goes to an interview and is asked a simple question — one commonly asked in Canada. Her not so simple answer gives us a personalized glimpse into the often complicated histories, experiences, and identities of refugees, migrants, and immigrants.

Box Fox (film poster: illustration of a fox climbed atop a pine tree, looking out at something. Other credits are illegible) Box Fox: In this exciting animated film, a intrepid fox-adventurer travels through a dangerous fantasy world to find a enigmatic girl whose face appears in a a mysterious token. Is this really an adventure, or is this just a job?

(Film poster, no text. Photo of two men in an alcove looking out at brightly coloured clouds) We Are The Earth: A powerful short animated poem that takes us from anxiety and fear about the current state of our world to empowerment and hope for the future. It is is call to collective action.

Whitewash | A film by Golzar Taravati (gray and white letters on a light gray background, the film title is reflected upside down below the credit) Whitewash: Whitewash looks at the pressure felt amongst Iranian immigrants tin Canada to change their given names to Western names to increase their chance of getting a job, and the consequences that develop due to this act of cultural and identity erasure.

National Day of Truth and Reconciliation Event, 11am on Thursday 28 September 2023 at Willow River Park

What: National Day of Truth and Reconciliation Event
When: 11:00am to 2:00pm on Thursday 28 September 2023
Where: Willow River Park (fka Victoria Park) Map
Website: https://www.npaamb.com/
Vendor Registration: https://forms.office.com/r/LuTktrK24n (Microsoft Forms)

Join the National Indigenous Youth Employment & Training for an afternoon in Victoria Park to celebrate the resiliency of our communities and Indigenous contributions to the economy and labour market

Food Vendors — Featuring locally owned, Indigenous Food Vendors

Performers — Traditional and Contemporary Indigenous singers, dancers, drummers

Artisan Vendors — Authentic Indigenous artisan and craft vendors

Speakers — Speakers with a background on Truth and Reconciliation, Residential Schools and more

Agency, Artisan & Craft Vendors: Fill in the Microsoft Form for Vendor Registration to apply!

National Day of Truth and Reconciliation Event | Thursday September 28 2023 11AM-2PM | Victoria Park | Join us for an afternoon in Victoria Park while we celebrate the resiliency of our communities and Indigenous contributions to the economy and labour market | Food Vendors - Performers - Artisan Vendors - Speakers | Featuring locally owned, Indigenous Food Vendors | Traditional and Contemporary Indigenous singers, dancers, drummers | Authentic Indigenous artisan and craft vendors | Speakers with a background on Truth and Reconciliation, Residential Schools and more | Agency, Artisan & Craft Vendors | Scan the QR code to apply! Follow Us (with a selection of social media icons) | www.npaamb.com | Canada Heritage - Patrimoine canadien | (in the top right corner: NPAAMB Indigenous Youth Employment & Training)

Queer Youth Defence Rally at Kitchener City Hall at 9am on Wednesday 20 September 2023 #NoSpaceForHate

What’s happening?

A hate group “Hands Off Our Kids” is using anti-queer rhetoric to take away the rights of your in determining their own identieies. We are denying them a space to spew their bigotry and queerphobia, and we are protecting the rights of youth to safety and privacy.

What: Queer Youth Defence Rally
When: 9:00am to 11:00am, Wednesday 20 September 2023
Where: Carl Zehr Square, Kitchener City Hall
Location: 200 King Street West, Kitchener Map

What to bring?

  • A face mask (we will also provide masks)
  • Sunscreen
  • Anti-hate banners and signs
  • A hydrating drink
  • A First Aid kit, if possible
  • Earplugs and/or sunglasses

What about safety?

  • Wear a face covering to prevent doxxing
  • Do not take any pictures or videos of allies
  • Arrive and leave in groups
  • Avoid direct confrontation with bigots
  • More info soon on our safety plan

From the Canadian Anti-Hate Network: Important Context About the “1 Million March 4 Children”

Organized by University of Waterloo Solidarity Network and Ground Up Waterloo Region.

What’s happening? | A hate group “Hands Off Our Kids” is using anti-queer rhetoric to take away the rights of your in determining their own identities. We are denying them a space to spew their bigotry and queerphobia, and we are protecting the rights of youth to safety and privacy. | What to bring? | A face mask (we will also provide masks) | Sunscreen | Anti-hate banners and signs | A hydrating drink | A First Aid kit, if possible | Earplugs and/or sunglasses | What about safety? | Wear a face covering to prevent doxxing | Do not take any pictures or videos of allies | Arrive and leave in groups | Avoid direct confrontation with bigots | More info soon on our safety plan | UWSN | GroundUpWR

VEFOFEST Popup + Jaqui NDS Tribute

Join UW Animal Rights Society for an evening of powerful music, speakers, poetry, art, estatic dance, food, & inspiring performances.

Instagram: @UWAnimalRights, @VEFOmusic

Saturday July 29th (2023) 4pm at University of Waterloo Arts Quad (Dana Porter Library) | VEFOFEST Popup + Jaqui NDS Tribute | Join us for an evening of powerful music, speakers, poetry, art, estatic dance, food, & inspiring performances. | @UWAnimalRights @VEFOmusic (black letters on a gradient purple-to-green background, with a clip art image of a leaping dancer, a staff of musical notes, and a ribbon microphone)

Enough Is Enough Expo and Rally, 10:00am to 11:30am, Saturday 3 June 2023

Enough is Enough (black and white letters in white and black speech bubbles on a pink background)The Waterloo Regional Labour Council and the Ontario Federation of Labour are organizing an Expo and Rally:

What: Enough Is Enough Expo
When: 10:00am to 11:30am, Saturday 3 June 2023
Where: Carl Zehr Square, Kitchener City Hall
Location: 100 King Street West, Kitchener Map
Website: http://wesayenough.ca/
Contact: Jeff Donkersgoed <jeffd@waterloolabour.ca>

The Waterloo Regional Labour Council (white letters on a blue background, under stylized letters WRCL shaped to look like two intertwining arms in solidarity)Waterloo Regional Labour Council has invited over 200 progressive community organizations, charities, social justice minded groups, coalitions, neighborhood associations, student groups, and unions from across the entire region to host a booth, with the intention of strengthening and building our community, sharing the terrific and important work that we do with each other and the general public, and to demand better from those in positions of power.

Enough is Enough | Expo | Assez C'est Assez (an illustrated info sheet with lots of text; see https://ofl.ca/enough-is-enough/ for the actual text)Enough Is Enough | Expo | Assez C'est Assez | June 3 / 3 Juin 10:00-11:30 | Carl Zehr Square at Kitchener City Hall | La place Carl Zehr de hôtel de ville de Kitchener | Visit wesayenough.ca (various cartoon-like illustrations of workers giving the power salute (clenched fist), some with speech bubbles saying "Enough is Enough" and "Assez c'est Assez", and logos/wordmarks for the Ontario Federation of Labour and the Waterloo Regional Labour Council)

#Nakba75 Rally in Waterloo Public Square, 1pm on Sun 14 May 2023

@palestinianyouthmovement writes:


Join us on the 75th anniversary of the Nakba as we rally in support of our people and our popular resistance. On 14 May 2023, we will meet at Waterloo Public Square in the center of Uptown Waterloo at 1:00 PM. This demonstration is suitable for all ages.

Nakba Day is a reminder and affirmation of the Palestinian people’s ongoing resistance, existence, and defiance of the 75-year-old zionist occupation that continues on our lands. As the zionist entity weakens and fragments from within, Palestinians are united and steadfast as ever in the pursuit of our ultimate goal. Generation after generation, the struggle continues, until full national liberation and return!

Wear your keffiyehs, bring your Palestinian flags, and be ready to raise your voices. We’ll see you 14 May 2023 at 1:00 PM at Waterloo Public Square!

From the river to the sea, Palestine will soon be free! 🇵🇸


‎‼️كيتشنر- واترلو‼️

انضمو إلينا في الذكرى ال٧٥ للنكبة الفلسطينة والمقاومة الفلسطينة ضد الاحتلال الصهيوني. سنجتمع بتاريخ ١٤/٥ في ساحة واترلو العامة (Waterloo Public Square) وسط ابتاون واترلو في تمام الساعة الواحدة ظهراً. هذه المظاهرة مناسبة لجميع الأعمار.

المظاهرات السنوية ليوم النكبة هي تذكير وتأكيد على واقع الشعب الفلسطيني الذي يواجه تطهير عرقي مستمر واحتلال عسكري همجي.

جيلاً بعد جيل، الشعب الفلسطيني يقاوم العدو الصهيوني حتى النصر والتحرير.

البسوا كوفياتكم واجلبو أعلامكم الفلسطينية إلى مظاهرة يوم النكبة في ١٤/٥. ندعوكم لتضموا أصواتكم لأصوات الفلسطينين في الشتات ومقاومة الإمبريالية والاستعمار الإسرائيلي الصهيوني.

من البحر إلى النهر، عاشت فلسطين حرة عربية! 🇵🇸

Nakba75 | Kitchener Waterloo Rally | May 14 | 1:00pm at the Waterloo Public Square (red and yellow text, also in Arabic, over a photo of people approaching a fire and smoke, one person carrying a Palestinian flag; there are coils of barbed wire in the foreground)

Rural Rainbow Ride, 6pm on Wed 31 Aug 2022 at Northfield Station

25K Rural Rainbow Ride | 6PM Wednesday August 31 at Northfield Station | Ending at Central Station. Approx 2 hrs. | All Are Welcome | No Cost | In response to comments 
made in a recent Woolwich Council meeting, we are bringing some pride from the city to the township to show support for LGBTQ2+ folks in Woolwich.

25K Rural Rainbow Ride

When: 6:00PM to 8:00pm on Wednesday 31 August 2022
Start: Northfield Station Map 1
End: Central Station Map 2

All Are Welcome
No Cost

In response to comments made in a recent Woolwich Council meeting, we are bringing some pride from the city to the township to show support for LGBTQ2+ folks in Woolwich.

See Andrew Jacob Rinehart’s post on Instagram


Image of map showing bike router and text that says 'St. Jacobs, Conestogo, Snyder's Flats Conservation Area, Bloomingdale, Northfield Station (Start), Kiwanis Park and Pool, Rosendale, University of Waterloo, Conestoga College Waterloo, Laurier, Bingemans, Waterloo, Central Station (end), Kitchener'.
Rural Rainbow Ride Route

Pro-Abortion Rally, 7pm Wed 29 June 2022, Clock Tower, Willow River Park

SHORE Centre writes:

We are angry, outraged & heartbroken about the fall of Roe v Wade. Now more than ever, we need to be loud in our support of abortion rights and access! Join us to rally on June 29 @ 7PM – Clock Tower in Willow River Park (formerly Victoria Park), we can raise our voices together📣

What: Pro-Abortion Rally
When: 7:00pm, Wednesday, 29 June 2022
Where: Clock Tower, Willow River Park Map

Illustrations of protest signs with the text "Bans Off Our Bodies", "Abortion Is Healthcare", "Proudly Pro-Choice", "Abortion is a Human Right", and the Shore Centre logo+wordmark

Statement from SHORE Centre:


Kitchener, ON – As the news of the fall of Roe v Wade spreads, we are standing with you all in anger, grief, and outrage that anyone believes they can regulate our bodies and restrict reproductive healthcare. We grieve with all those who have spent their lifetimes fighting for abortion rights. Today the Supreme Court has actively chosen to abandon women, trans and non-binary people. Abortion access, which was already limited, will become near impossible for many – Indigenous, Black and racialized people, queer folks, those with disabilities, those living in poverty and those facing other marginalization will continue to face increasing barriers to access. We know that this devastating decision will impact not only those seeking abortions in the US but will also impact attitudes, stigma, and access in Canada.

SHORE Centre is here for you. Our counterparts across the country are here for you. We are grieving too, but we will never stop fighting. You deserve bodily autonomy. You deserve judgement-free abortion access. Today we rage together – and let us keep that fire burning as we speak loudly and clearly that abortion is healthcare. We know there is a lot to process, and we are currently organizing a rally for the evening of Wednesday, June 29th where we can gather and raise our voices together. More details to come. Take good care of yourselves.

For interview and inquires please contact:
TK Pritchard, Executive Director at director@shorecentre.ca

About SHORE Centre

Sexual Health Options, Resources & Education – SHORE Centre was founded in 1972 to provide all residents of our community with sexual health information and support. Today we offer medical services including birth control, medication abortion and related care, counselling, outreach, workshops, trainings and other educational activities. SHORE Centre operates physical services in Waterloo Region and Guelph and provides virtual care in various underserved areas of the province.