People’s Referendum to stop the privatization of Ontario’s public hospitals planned Friday & Saturday
Almost a thousand voting stations across Ontario will be staffed by thousands of volunteers in a massive effort to force the Ford government to respect democratic process and input on their hospital privatization plans.
A map listing all voting stations across the province is available online at
On the website, you can zoom in for details, and a list by region is below the map. Media are invited to see the voting taking place at voting stations across Ontario.
- Online voting is also available for all Ontario residents at
- Voting closes on Saturday, 27 May 2023 at midnight.
- At time of writing, more than 160,000 votes have been received online and in advance polls.
Province-wide results will be announced outside Queen’s Park on Wednesday 31 May 2023 at 10:00am.
A massive pile of ballots from the people’s referendum will be brought in from across Ontario and piled in front of the Legislature to be delivered to the government.
Local health coalitions across the province will be counting ballots on Saturday evening 27 May 2023 or Sunday 28 May 2023, announcing results locally on Tuesday, 30 May 2023.
Waterloo Region:
- Vote counting will take place at the Elementary Teachers Federation of Ontario-Waterloo Region Office 610 Wabanaki Drive, Kitchener, on Sunday 28 May 2023 from Noon to 5:00pm.
- Vote results will be announced on Tuesday, 30 May 2023 at 8:30am outside the Main Entrance to Grand River Hospital, 835 King Street West, Kitchener.
Media contacts to view vote counting and receive local/province-wide results:
Natalie Mehra, Executive Director, Ontario Health Coalition
- Text or call: +1‑416‑230‑6402
Jim Stewart, Chair, Waterloo Region Health Coalition
- Phone: +1‑519‑588‑5841
- Website:
- Twitter: @health_region
- Facebook: Waterloo Region Health Coalition | Facebook
- E-mail:
For other regions see Key Contacts for the Referendum to Stop Hospital Privatization on the Public Hospital Vote website.