Housing Opens Doors — Thursday, 27 June 2013

In her latest newsletter, Eleanor Grant writes of several local events, followed by a number of petitions on federal issues as Canada Day approaches ….

EVENT: Housing Opens Doors.
On June 27, ONPHA, the Social Planning Council of Kitchener-Waterloo, and HHUG will set-up the Housing Opens Doors installation in front of Kitchener City Hall [map] to raise awareness of the importance of affordable housing and the powerful role it plays in Waterloo Region.
Join us between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. and show your support for affordable housing. You know that an affordable home has the power to change lives and benefit communities – help us share that message!

Eleanor Grant writes a semi-regular e-mail newsletter on social justice issues. You can contact Eleanor at eleanor7000@gmail.com

Bob Jonkman in front of greenery,wearing a gray suit jacket and a green shirt and tie.

Author: Bob Jonkman

Bob Jonkman runs SOBAC Microcomputer Services, providing technical support to large and small businesses. A social justice advocate, Bob has been the Green Party candidate in Kitchener-Conestoga and Brantford-Brant.