Online KW Peace Get-Together?

Waterloo Region Nonviolence | WRNHello Friends of KW Peace

It’s been a year since our last KW Peace meeting and things have changed!

Let’s get together and chat about how things are going with our groups. Are there challenges we can overcome together?

If you’re interested, fill in this poll to find out what dates work best for us.

When we confirm a date we’ll send an email with a link to the meeting room.


Matt Albrecht <>


No New Fighter Jets Rallies in Waterloo Region, Fri. 2 Oct. 2020- #NoNewFighterJets #ClimatePeace

Silhouette of a fighter jet with a "No" symbol over it (red circle with a diagonal line)
No Fighter Jets
Friday, 2 October 2020 is the International Day of Nonviolence. There will be rallies across Canada to protest Canada’s $19 Billion purchase of new fighter jets.

Here are the rallies taking place in Waterloo Region:


When: 12 Noon to 1:00pm on Friday, 2 October 2020
Where: Outside MP Raj Saini‘s office
Location: 1209 Frederick Street, Kitchener, Ontario Map 1
Contact: Mary Groh <>, Conscience Canada and KW Peace.


When: 12 Noon to 1:00pm on Friday, 2 October 2020
Where: Outside MP Bardish Chagger‘s office
Location: 100 Regina Street, Waterloo, Ontario Map 2
Contact: Tamara Lorincz <>, Canadian Voice of Women for Peace and KW Peace.


When: 3:30pm to 4:30pm on Friday, 2 October 2020
Where: Outside MP Bryan May‘s office
Location: 534 Hespeler Road, Cambridge, Ontario Map 3
Contact: Tamara Lorincz <>, Canadian Voice of Women for Peace and KW Peace.

Join us to say #NoNewFighterJets. We can’t #decarbonize with carbon-intensive combat aircraft. #GreenJobs not war jobs.

Join us on October 2nd, 2020 | for our second pan-Canadian Protest to redirect $19 billion from fighter jets to programs and supports that Canadians desperately need. Weapons can’t keep us safe from the threats that we face. | Fighter Jets Can’t Fight | Climate Change | Unemployment | Homelessness | Inequality | Covid-19 | Poverty | Racism | Sexism | #NoNewFighterJets #ClimatePeace |

Join us on October 2nd, 2020

for our second pan-Canadian Protest to redirect $19 billion from fighter jets to programs and supports that Canadians desperately need. Weapons can’t keep us safe from the threats that we face.

Fighter Jets Can’t Fight

  • Climate Change
  • Unemployment
  • Homelessness
  • Inequality
  • Covid-19
  • Poverty
  • Racism
  • Sexism

#NoNewFighterJets #ClimatePeace

Spiritual Heritage Education Network: 11th Annual Conference — @SpiritualEd

Envision the Future of Education: Teaching Unity in Diversity

Welcome to the SHEN - Spiritual Heritage Education NetworkSpirtual Heritage Education Network’s (SHEN) 11th Annual Conference! Envision the Future of Education: Teaching Unity in Diversity

This conference examines the what, why, and how of contemplative education — a model of education that helps develop a spirit of unity in diversity. What is contemplative education? What can we learn from other disciplines that are using it? How can educators use it in their classrooms?

SHEN has a draft proposal that requires your contribution. The proposal is a culmination of years of convening and writing. It brings together the research and ideas of prior SHEN presenters and conference participants. The proposal will be shared with education stakeholders to generate greater knowledge about these ideas so that they can be integrated in educational curricula worldwide.

Join us

Join us at this year’s conference where you will:

  • Learn what contemplative education is and the important role that it plays in depolarizing our world
  • Be heard and have your ideas considered for incorporating into the proposal
  • Build a lasting network with like-minded people from around the globe
  • Gain exposure as a contributing changemaker and open doors for professional opportunities
  • Be an associate of the proposal’s journey to policy change

Contemplative education can change lives! We would love for you to journey with us and contribute to needed change! We need you to tell us what works with the proposal, and how we can strengthen it. This is a working conference comprised of four online sessions. While we will miss seeing you in person, we are thrilled that this online forum allows people from across the globe to join!

Session details:

Saturday, September 26 (10:00am – 12:30pm, EDT)

  • Introduction to the Spiritual Heritage Education Network (SHEN)
  • Sharing of SHEN’s work over the past 20 years’ contemplative education
  • The proposal to re-envision and redesign education

Sunday, October 4 (10:00am – 12:30pm, EDT)

  • What is holistic science?
  • The convergence of metaphysics, scripture, and modern science

Saturday, October 10 (10:00am – 12:30pm, EDT)

  • Why contemplative education?
  • What does it help us see and learn that we can’t from traditional education models?
  • How do we get there?
  • Examples of contemplative education from the past and present. How does it inform our work?

Sunday, October 18 (10:00am – 12:30pm, EDT)

  • Overview of conference working sessions to date and next steps for the proposal
  • Integrating contemplative education in educational models worldwide and implications for public policy

Register on Zoom

Agenda for each session:

  • 10:00am — 10:10am: Introductions
  • 10:10am — 11:00am: Presentation and comment/reflection on key theme
  • 11:00am — 11:15am: Break
  • 11:15am — 12:30pm: Curated discussions

Warm regards,
Shiv Talwar

War is Not Essential – KW Rally 1pm on Thu, 11 June 2020 – #StopArmingSaudi

War is Not Essential: Day of Action to #StopArmingSaudi (partial image of a Light Armoured Vehicle to the left of a black banner with words)
What: War is Not Essential – Kitchener-Waterloo
When: Thursday, 11 June 2020 from 1:00pm to 2:00pm
Where: In front of office of the Hon. Bardish Chagger, MP for Waterloo
Location: 100 Regina Street South, Waterloo, Ontario Map

In the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic, Canada has lifted the moratorium on issuing arms exports for weapons destined for Saudi Arabia, and Light Armoured Vehicles (LAVs) continue to be manufactured in London, Ontario under the label of an essential service.

Saudi Arabia has used these LAVs to suppress peaceful protests and there is mounting evidence that Canadian-made LAVs are being deployed in the war in Yemen. Canadian arms exports just don’t line up with Canada’s legal commitment under the Arms Trade Treaty or a feminist foreign policy. Ending arms exports doesn’t have to mean the loss of good jobs. As we confront the twin crises of COVID-19 and climate change, the call for conversion of arms industries to socially useful production must be loud and clear.

Join us on June 11th for a day of action to #StopArmingSaudi.

If you are in or near Kitchener-Waterloo, you can join a physically-distant protest outside MP for Waterloo Bardish Chagger’s constituency office (360-100 Regina St. South, Waterloo). Please respect public health directives, maintain physical distancing and wear masks.

No matter where you are, you can join us for a simultaneous virtual protest to show your solidarity and hear from speakers on the ground and at the forefront of the movement to #StopArmingSaudi.

Join us for the virtual protest on Zoom


If you can’t join the virtual protest, take part in the day of action on social media:

Share your opposition and call on Canada to #StopArmingSaudi. Tag General Dynamics Land Systems, Justin Trudeau and François-Philippe Champagne, along with your own Member of Parliament (find them at to ask them to take action now.

Take action now:

Sign Oxfam Canada’s petition:

Sign Amnesty Canada’s English petition:

Sign Amnesty Canada’s French petition:

This day of action is jointly organized by: KW Peace, Labour Against the Arms Trade, People for Peace London, Council of Canadians London Chapter, Amnesty International Canada, Amnistie Internationale Canada, Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East, Canadian Voices of Women for Peace, Peace Brigades International Canada, Oxfam Canada, World Beyond War and Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom.

KW Solidarity March for #BlackLivesMatter: 5pm on Wed, 3 June 2020 at Victoria Park, Kitchener

What: KW Solidarity March for Black Lives Matter
When: Wednesday, 3 June 2020 from 5:00pm to 7:00pm
Where: Victoria Park, Kitchener, Ontario
Location: Joseph St. and Gaukel St. Map

Regis Korchinski-Paquet (illustration)
Justice for George (illustrtion of Geroge Floyd surrounded by a wreath of flowers)
Community leaders Selam Debs, Carla Beharry, Aaron Francis, ACB KW & with the support of Black Lives Matter – Waterloo Region bring to you KW Solidarity March for Black Lives Matter.

We as the KW community will peacefully march in solidarity for the lives lost to police brutality, institutionalized racism and hatred. People of all races and backgrounds will come together to show our solidarity against anti-blackness and injustice.

Selam Debs, Carla Beharry, ACB KW & with the support of Black Lives Matter – Waterloo Region bring to you KW Solidarity March for Black Lives Matter

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3RD 5PM- MEET in front of Victoria Park, Kitchener (Gaukel & Joseph- one block from Victoria ion station)

Please read all below COVID-19 precautions and guidelines that must be followed to participate in this march

ALL social distancing measures will be in place – MASKS ARE MANDATORY. Please bring your own sanitizer, signs and masks.

We will march for Ahmaud Arbery, Breanna Taylor, George Floyd, Regis Korchinski-Paquet & all those before who’s names we know and those names we do not know of.

This is a peaceful march and protest to raise awareness of the lives lost in violence, to show our solidarity for the families and communities most impacted, to express that as the KW community WE are NOT just “not racist”- WE are active ANTI-RACISTS and to stand with the grieving Black folks right here in KW and the surrounding areas. We are saying unapologetically BLACK LIVES MATTER.


We will meet in front of Victoria Park at 5pm on Wednesday.
*Victoria Park, Kitchener (Gaukel & Joseph- one block from Victoria ion station)

-If you are experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms, please stay home and tune in through the FB live streamed from Black Lives Matter – Waterloo Region with Carla Beharry
-You MUST wear a mask. Please wear one that covers your nose and mouth
-Maintain social distancing of 2 meters from each other throughout the march
-March in groups of 5 or less
Maintain a distance of 6 feet between each group
-Plan ahead for essential needs, care and supplies

We will also be sharing the March on Facebook live facilitated by Carla Beharry from the Black Lives Matter – Waterloo Region page

We will have more information soon

KEEP VISITING KW Solidarity March for Black Lives Matter FOR UP TO DATE DETAILS


-create signs (ie. Black Lives Matter, I stand in solidarity with George, Silence= Violence, KW in Solidarity with Black lives, Enough is Enough etc)
-Support local Black initiatives – We will have a list available soon

KEEP VISITING KW Solidarity March for Black Lives Matter FOR UP TO DATE DETAILS

DM Selam Debs OR Carla Beharry WITH ANY QUESTIONS.

PLEASE show kindness and respect with your questions as we are in a state of grieving right now. Only extend questions specific to how you can support.

You can also find updates on our IG’s @selamdebs & @carla.beharry

MORE details to come.

Photos from the #SchoolStrike4Climate on Friday, 1 March 2019 — #FridaysForFuture

On Friday, 1 March 2019 school students in Waterloo held a protest rally in front of Waterloo City Hall.

Pictures © 2019 by Tamara Lorincz, used by permission.

A note about Community Suppers from @AAP_KW

A note from Timothy Hegedus of Alliance Against PovertyAlliance Against Poverty:

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to let you know that the community suppers that used to be held at St Mark’s church on Wednesday evenings are now being held on Thursday evenings at Trillium Lutheran Church, 22 Willow Street, Waterloo, Ontario Map, phone 519‑886‑1880. (Trillium used be called St John’s Lutheran church.) It is fully accessible. The church is open on Thursday afternoons from 3:30 p.m. and dinner is served at 5:45 p.m. The Community Ministry Chaplain, Rev Susan Cole, is there between 3:30 and 7:00 p.m.

Please spread the word about this.


Alliance Against Poverty meets on the second Monday of the month, contact aap‑ for more information.

#Bill66 — @BobJonkmanGPC’s submission to the Environmental Registry of Ontario

Stop Bill 66 | They say it's red tape. | To us, it's precious farmland. Bill 66 was introduced in the Ontario legislature just before the Christmas holidays. The short timeframe for discussion and consultation makes me think the legislators are trying to pass it before people have a chance to understand its effects. It is an omnibus bill, affecting dozens of different pieces of Ontario laws and regulations, many items of which are hidden behind indirect references, and all of which are to be voted on en masse. Omnibus bills tend to carry deleterious clauses which would never stand on their own, but which get passed only because of some other items in the same bill that are perceived to be more beneficial than the rest of the bill is bad.

A summary of Bill 66 is at the Legislative Assembly of Ontario website, called Bill 66, Restoring Ontario’s Competitiveness Act, 2018

Commentary on Bill 66 is plentiful:

Bob Jonkman at the podium in the Woolwich Township Council Chamber, with Councillors, the Mayor, and staff in the background
Bob Jonkman Bill 66 delegation to Woolwich Township Council Committee of The Whole, Tuesday January 8th, 2019
Many groups joined together to provide information on Bill 66, and to make a concerted effort to bring our dissatisfaction to local municipal and provincial leaders. I made two delegations to Woolwich Township Council urging them to pass a resolution to reject Bill 66 and to pledge that if passed, not to use this legislation to bypass the environmental regulations currently in place. Woolwich did pass a resolution, but stopped short of adding the pledge not to use it.

The consultation period at the Ontario Environmental Registry ended yesterday, and below are the comments I made.

Bill 66 is a direct affront to the citizens of Ontario. Doug Ford made a pledge in May 2018 that the Green Belt areas would be not be subject to development. Now that Doug Ford is Premier of the Government of Ontario, I expect that pledge to be honoured.

Bill 66 affects existing laws and regulations at many Ministries, not just the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks. It detrimentally affects the protections for workers in many separate regulations, detrimentally affects the protections for children in childcare, detrimentally affects seniors and patients in long-term care, and detrimentally affects consumers protections from wireless carriers. This is not an exhaustive list.

Bill 66 detrimentally affects environmental regulations more than any other. Under Schedule 10 municipalities no longer have to follow the regulations under the Clean Water Act, Great Lakes Protection Act, Greenbelt Act, Lake Simcoe Protection Act, and the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Act, among many others.

Ontario and its municipalities have experienced the greatest prosperity in the last ten years, without needing to circumvent the environmental protections put in place by previous Conservative and Liberal governments. Removing these protections now will pit one municipality against another — if one municipality allows development in a protected area, it creates pollution for all the downwind and downstream neighbours, both in that municipality as well as surrouding municipalities. There will be increased infrastructure costs for those municipalities that receive the extra traffic from the development, but none of the anticipated revenue. Bill 66 is not something municipalities have asked for for, nor is it something municipalities need.

Speculators may have purchased land in the currently protected areas. Just having Bill 66 on the table has affected land values. Currently permitted uses for protected areas will become unaffordable, and the pressure on local governments to bypass environmental protections will be great. I’m happy to see many municipalities have passed resolutions rejecting Bill 66.

The citizens of Ontario are clear: Bill 66, with all its recissions of existing laws, must not be passed. I hope the elected representatives in the Legislature will fulfill their mandate and represent their constituents’ demands to reject Bill 66.

Civic Hub – 2nd Small Groups Summit hosted by @SPCofKW

Dear All,

It has been a year since our initial mobilization around the idea of a Civic Hub. A number of us continued meeting throughout the 2018 and worked on grants, connections and the first vision statement: A home, a landmark, accessible to everyone interested in civic and grassroots groups to showcase what is being done in the community, to allow groups to support each other, recruit, communicate and build credibility and capacity for advocacy and delivery of services to the community.

The number of small groups and organizations interested in the initiative is growing. A number of projects bringing together ethnocultural groups in Waterloo Region in 2018 testified that common, affordable space is a foundation for communication, collaboration and growth for many groups who feel isolated, under-resourced and in constant competition for supports.

However, there is little understanding of the core work that civic groups and small non-profits do in Waterloo Region.

We can learn together with other non-profit networks who want to create hubs for their sectors, such as WR Environmental Network and WR Arts Council.

Our strength is in our diversity and our common vision.

On January 21st 2019, we will gather again to share updates and brainstorm ideas about the next steps in creation of a Civic Hub.

6pm at SDC Office Map
in St John Church,
23 Water St North in Kitchener
Entrance and doorbell on Duke St.

RSVP by January 15th. Please get in touch if you need more information or have ideas/comments to share before the 21st.

Wishing you only the best to come in 2019.
Warmest Holiday Regards,
Aleksandra Petrovic

Executive Director
Social Development Centre Waterloo Region
23 Water St. North, Kitchener ON, N2H 5A4
(entrance and doorbell on Duke Street)
Phone: 519-579-3800

Your Voice and Your Donation Count!
Give for A Better Common Future

We will gather again in the New Year! | Social Development Centre Waterloo Region office reopens on January 2nd 2018 (people sitting in a discussion group with notetakers in the background)

Video: Perspectives On Peace — Where’s the Peace and Justice?

Perpectives On Peace: Where’s the Peace and Justice? was held on Saturday, 27 October 2018 at Kitchener City Hall.

Logo for Perspectives on PeaceSee the pictures from Perspectives On Peace — Where’s the Peace & Justice? Canada’s New Foreign and Defence Policies

The video is ©2018 by Laurel L. Russwurm and released under a Creative Commons Attribution Only (CC BY) license.