Vigil for Gaza, 5pm Thursday 19 October 2023 at CBC on King St, Kitchener

What: Vigil for Gaza
When: 5:00pm, Thursday 19 October 2023
Where: In front of the CBC building
Location: 117 King Street West, Kitchener Map
Online: Vigil for Gaza (KW in support of Palestine on Facebook)

Join KW in support of Palestine for a vigil this Thursday, 19 October 2023 at 5:00 pm in front of the CBC building to honor all those murdered in Gaza by the ongoing Israeli bombing campaign and call out the media for their role in manufacturing consent for this ongoing genocide.

Since Tuesday, the Israeli regime has bombed more than one hospital filled with civilians seeking shelter. The death toll of just that attack is 800+. This is GENOCIDE.

In just the past 9 days we’ve seen the death toll rise to more than 4000, with more than 1000 of them being children. Entire neighborhoods have been wiped out and entire families. More than 47 families have been entirely removed from the Gaza civil registry. They’ve targeted and murdered medics, nurses and journalists. They’ve bombed schools, hospitals, ambulances, and residential buildings. There more than a million and a half Palestinians now internally displaced. This is genocide.

Come out and demand the end of media complicity, the end of the brutal bombing campaign and an end to the 17 year siege on Gaza while we honor those murdered by the Israeli regime.

Vigil for Gaza | Thursday, October 19 (2023) 5pm | CBC Building, 117 King St W, Kitchener (white and yellow letters over a background photo of a war-torn city, with two candles at the bottom. A number of organizations' logos are at the top)

Rally for Peace to End the War in Ukraine, 5:30pm Tuesday 3 October 2023 at Waterloo Public Square

Global Days of Action to End War in Ukraine

1 to 8 October 2023

What: Rally for Peace to End the War in Ukraine
When: 5:30pm to 6:00pm, Tuesday 3 October 2023
Where: Waterloo Public Square Map
Location: 75 King Street South, Waterloo, Ontario
Organizer: Canadian Voice of Women for Peace
More Info:

No NATO No War (person holding a black sign with red letters)

Peace Now!
Stop The War!
Stop NATO!

  • Fund Peace, Not War
  • Canada Out of NATO
  • Negotiations, not Escalation
  • Water Bombers, not Fighter Jets
  • Yes to Climate Justice & Peace, No to NATO

Waterloo action organized by Canadian Voice of Women for Peace
More Info:

Coordinated Cross-Canada by:
Canada-Wide Peace & Justice Network

Global Days of Action to End War in Ukraine | 1 to 8 October 2023 | Rally for Peace to End the War in Ukraine | 5:30pm to 6:00pm, Tuesday 3 October 2023 | Waterloo Public Square, 75 King Street South | Peace Now! | Stop The War! | Stop NATO! |  Fund Peace, Not War |  Canada Out of NATO |  Negotiations, not Escalation |  Water Bombers, not Fighter Jets |  Yes to Climate Justice & Peace, No to NATO | Waterloo action organized by Canadian Voice of Women for Peace | More Info: | Coordinated Cross-Canada by: | Canada-Wide Peace & Justice Network |

Queer Youth Defence Rally at Kitchener City Hall at 9am on Wednesday 20 September 2023 #NoSpaceForHate

What’s happening?

A hate group “Hands Off Our Kids” is using anti-queer rhetoric to take away the rights of your in determining their own identieies. We are denying them a space to spew their bigotry and queerphobia, and we are protecting the rights of youth to safety and privacy.

What: Queer Youth Defence Rally
When: 9:00am to 11:00am, Wednesday 20 September 2023
Where: Carl Zehr Square, Kitchener City Hall
Location: 200 King Street West, Kitchener Map

What to bring?

  • A face mask (we will also provide masks)
  • Sunscreen
  • Anti-hate banners and signs
  • A hydrating drink
  • A First Aid kit, if possible
  • Earplugs and/or sunglasses

What about safety?

  • Wear a face covering to prevent doxxing
  • Do not take any pictures or videos of allies
  • Arrive and leave in groups
  • Avoid direct confrontation with bigots
  • More info soon on our safety plan

From the Canadian Anti-Hate Network: Important Context About the “1 Million March 4 Children”

Organized by University of Waterloo Solidarity Network and Ground Up Waterloo Region.

What’s happening? | A hate group “Hands Off Our Kids” is using anti-queer rhetoric to take away the rights of your in determining their own identities. We are denying them a space to spew their bigotry and queerphobia, and we are protecting the rights of youth to safety and privacy. | What to bring? | A face mask (we will also provide masks) | Sunscreen | Anti-hate banners and signs | A hydrating drink | A First Aid kit, if possible | Earplugs and/or sunglasses | What about safety? | Wear a face covering to prevent doxxing | Do not take any pictures or videos of allies | Arrive and leave in groups | Avoid direct confrontation with bigots | More info soon on our safety plan | UWSN | GroundUpWR

#Nakba75 Rally in Waterloo Public Square, 1pm on Sun 14 May 2023

@palestinianyouthmovement writes:


Join us on the 75th anniversary of the Nakba as we rally in support of our people and our popular resistance. On 14 May 2023, we will meet at Waterloo Public Square in the center of Uptown Waterloo at 1:00 PM. This demonstration is suitable for all ages.

Nakba Day is a reminder and affirmation of the Palestinian people’s ongoing resistance, existence, and defiance of the 75-year-old zionist occupation that continues on our lands. As the zionist entity weakens and fragments from within, Palestinians are united and steadfast as ever in the pursuit of our ultimate goal. Generation after generation, the struggle continues, until full national liberation and return!

Wear your keffiyehs, bring your Palestinian flags, and be ready to raise your voices. We’ll see you 14 May 2023 at 1:00 PM at Waterloo Public Square!

From the river to the sea, Palestine will soon be free! 🇵🇸


‎‼️كيتشنر- واترلو‼️

انضمو إلينا في الذكرى ال٧٥ للنكبة الفلسطينة والمقاومة الفلسطينة ضد الاحتلال الصهيوني. سنجتمع بتاريخ ١٤/٥ في ساحة واترلو العامة (Waterloo Public Square) وسط ابتاون واترلو في تمام الساعة الواحدة ظهراً. هذه المظاهرة مناسبة لجميع الأعمار.

المظاهرات السنوية ليوم النكبة هي تذكير وتأكيد على واقع الشعب الفلسطيني الذي يواجه تطهير عرقي مستمر واحتلال عسكري همجي.

جيلاً بعد جيل، الشعب الفلسطيني يقاوم العدو الصهيوني حتى النصر والتحرير.

البسوا كوفياتكم واجلبو أعلامكم الفلسطينية إلى مظاهرة يوم النكبة في ١٤/٥. ندعوكم لتضموا أصواتكم لأصوات الفلسطينين في الشتات ومقاومة الإمبريالية والاستعمار الإسرائيلي الصهيوني.

من البحر إلى النهر، عاشت فلسطين حرة عربية! 🇵🇸

Nakba75 | Kitchener Waterloo Rally | May 14 | 1:00pm at the Waterloo Public Square (red and yellow text, also in Arabic, over a photo of people approaching a fire and smoke, one person carrying a Palestinian flag; there are coils of barbed wire in the foreground)

Peace Now! Stop the War, Stop NATO – Rally at 1pm on Sun 26 Feb 2023 in Waterloo Square

Please join Tamara Lorincz and Mary Groh on Sunday.

Peace Now! | Stop the War, Stop NATO! | International Weekend of Action February 23-26, 2023 | La Paix Maitenant! Arrêtez la Guerre, Arrêtez l'OTAN. | Frieden Jetz! Stoppt den Krieg, NATO Stoppen. | Sunday, February 26 1:00-200 p.m. | Waterloo Public Square | 75 King St, Waterloo (yellow, white and light blue text on a dark blue background, date, time and place on a yellow background, Russian and Ukranian text in light blue below date and place, logos for WILPF Canada and below that)
Poster for Peace Rally

Peace Now! Stop the War, Stop NATO

What: Peace Rally, NATO Protest
When: 1:00pm to 2:00pm on Sunday 26 February 2023
Where: Waterloo Public Square
Location: 75 King Street South, Waterloo, Ontario Map

Organized by the Voice of Women | La Voix Des Femmes (on stylized globe logo) | Canadian Voice Of Women For Peace (below logo)Canadian Voice of Women for Peace and WILPF (illustration of a dove with a laurel branch in its beak, overlaid on a "Female" symbol)WILPF Canada

Find other actions

#NoFighterJets Rallies in Waterloo Region, 6-8 January 2023

&DropTheF35Deal | WEEKEND OF ACTION | January 6-8, 2023 | Write Call Speak out. March. Disrupt. | Call on the Trudeau Government to Spend $19 BILLION on Human Needs, NOT Warplanes | &0x0016;NoFighterJets |

There will be rallies in Waterloo Region in:


What: Protest at Liberal MP Bryan May’s office
When: 2:00pm to 2:30pm, Friday 6 January 2023
Where: 534 Hespeler Road, Cambridge Map 1


What: Protest at Liberal MP Bardish Chagger’s office
When: 3:00pm to 3:30pm, Friday 6 January 2023
Where: 100 Regina Street, Waterloo Map 2


What: Gathering at Kitchener Farmers Market
When: 10:00am to 11:00am, Saturday 7 January 2023
Where: 300 King Street East, Kitchener Map 3

#DropTheF35Deal Weekend of Action – January 6-8, 2023


Silhouette of a fighter jet with a "No" symbol over it (red circle with a diagonal line)
No Fighter Jets

Peace activists will be on the streets from January 6-8, demanding that the Trudeau say no to the F-35 fighter jet deal. The No Fighter Jets campaign encourages peace-loving people across Canada to join demonstrations and activities across Canada for the weekend of action from or to organize your own actions.

Rally to Stop NATO, 4:30pm Tuesday 28 June 2022 at Waterloo Square

Stop NATO (illustration of a person in the style of Picasso's Guernica holding a Stop sign and a broken NATO plane, all on a red background)Today is start of NATO summit, join Tamara Lorincz at Waterloo Public Square to say stop the war, stop NATO!

Tamara Lorincz writes:

Hello everyone,

A friendly reminder that I will have a small rally “Stop the Weapons, Stop the War, Stop NATO” on Tuesday, June 28 from 4:30-5:30 pm at the Waterloo Public Square. Map

This action is in solidarity with the actions taking place across Canada, the UK and Spain during the NATO Summit in Madrid.

Yesterday in Madrid, 20,000 people were on the streets saying No to NATO.

It is because of NATO that the war in Ukraine is raging, that Canada has increased military spending by 70% over the past 7 years and will increase it another 70% over the next 5 years, why Canada is not joining the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, why Canada is buying fighter jets, attack helicopters, armed drones and warships.

NATO’s militarism and military spending is the greatest threat to people and the planet.

Please join me! See more details below and here:


Waterloo Peace Vigil: End the War in Yemen – 2pm, Saturday 26 March 2022

#CanadaStopArmingSaudi | 7 Years of War on Yemen | Day of Action | End the War in Yemen | March 26 2022 | #DayOfAction4Yemen #YemenCantWait
What: Waterloo Peace Vigil: End War in Yemen
When: 2:00pm to 3:00pm, Saturday 26 March 2022
Where: Waterloo Town Square, 75 King Street South, Waterloo Map

World Beyond War

  • Website:
  • Twitter: @worldbeyondwar
  • Facebook: @worldbeyondwar
  • Canada-wide Day of Action #StandForPeace #NoWarWithRussia, Saturday 5 February 2022 at Noon

    Tamara Lorincz writes:

    Hello KW Peace,

    In solidarity with actions planned across the US led by Join CODEPINK and our allies at the Day Of Action February 5 2022 | No War with Russia over Ukraine! Negotiate Don't EscalateCODEPINK and across Europe (including outside the NATO headquarters), we are calling for another Canada-wide Day of Action #StandForPeace #NoWarWithRussia for this Saturday, February 5. the entrance of the Kitchener Farmers Market from 12-1pm. If anyone is free and wants to join us that would be great. Canada and NATO are fomenting a war with Russia over Ukraine. Canada is now spending $340 million to militarize the conflict instead of investing in social welfare at home and abroad.

    Canada has just sent a warship, special forces, more soldiers and more financial assistance to Ukraine and the Trudeau government and mainstream media ramping up the war rhetoric.

    In Kitchener, I will be standing at the entrance of the Farmers Market, 300 King St, from 12:00-1:00 pm, please join me if you can.

    If you can’t make it, please take a photo of yourself holding a sign with #StandForPeace and share it on social media with the hashtag and we will circulate it.

    List of action, graphic, statement etc: Voice of Women | La Voix Des Femmes (on stylized globe logo) | Canadian Voice Of Women For Peace (below logo)
    Send your photo to:
    Read our statement:
    Sign and share the petition:

    In solidarity and have a good weekend,

    Canada-wide Day of Action | #STANDFORPEACE | In solidarity with the International Day of Action| Saturday, February 5 (2022) | In cities across the country. | Organize or find an event near you; | #NoWarWithRussia | #NeutralityForUkraine | #CanadaOutOfNATO | Canadian Voice of Women For Peace (with logo) | #PeaceNotWar (with logo)

    CANADA-WIDE DAY OF ACTION: #StandForPeace #NoWarWithRussia #NeutralityForUkraine #CanadaOutofNATO

    Saturday, February 5

    Join us for an emergency rally part of a Canada-wide day of action to #StandForPeace. If you are alarmed about the escalating danger of a US-NATO war with Russia over Ukraine and are opposed to Canada sending weapons, soldiers and special forces to Ukraine. Join us in calling on Canada to stop militarizing the conflict and to engage in diplomatic negotiations for a political solution and a lasting peace. On Saturday, bring a sign, help us distribute leaflets and urge our neighbours to stand for peace. Take a photo and share are our graphic #StandForPeace on social media.

    See CODEPINK call out #PeaceWithRussia #NoWarWithRussia:

    Stand Up For Palestinian Children’s Rights: Waterloo Square, 11am Saturday 27 November 2021

    November 29 Is United Nations Day Of Solidarity With The Palestinian People

    Arabic Federation flag (black, white, green horizontal stripes with a red equilateral triangle with one edge along the hoist side) On Saturday, 27 November 2021 come to Waterloo Square at 11:00am to call on the Canadian government to send a Special Envoy to Palestine-Israel to investigate the treatment of Palestinian children subjected to Israeli military arrest and detention.

    Palestinian children growing up in the Occupied Palestinian Territories live under Israeli military occupation. Their day-to-day reality includes home and school demolitions, water rationing, the loss of family land, checkpoints and military gates, night raids, detentions, and imprisonment. It’s time for Canada to stand up for Palestinian children’s rights.

    In 2018 a group of Canadian Members of Parliament went to Palestine to see the situation of Palestinians living under Israeli military rule. One of the recommendations of the group upon their return was that the Government of Canada sends a Special Envoy to investigate the situation of Palestinians living under Israeli military rule. Today we are renewing that call.

    As part of a network dedicated to pursuing human rights in the Middle East, we are inviting you to help us renew that call and ask the Special Envoy to specifically look into the treatment of Palestinian children being arrested, harassed, and often tortured.

    Please join us at Waterloo Square in Uptown Waterloo for this Public Witness Event to learn more about the practice the Israeli soldiers arresting and putting Palestinian children in Israeli detention.

    If you have any questions please contact:

    Kathy Bergen