Film about Missing Mexican Students — Cinema Politica, Wednesday, 23 September 2015 at 7:00pm

Almost missed this. Via e-mail:

Date: Fri, 18 Sep 2015 13:24:09 -0400
Subject: Film about Missing Mexican Students
From: Group Nine <>

Here’s an event not to miss: Cinema Politica is showing Ayotzinapa: Chronicle of a State Crime in room 301 of the RCH Building at the University of Waterloo on Wednesday, 23 September 2015 at 7:00pm. This film is an exposé of the Mexican police and military authorities in the armed kidnapping and disappearance of 43 students. This is one of the cases that Group 9 featured at our table this summer.

Ayotzinapa: Chronicle of a State Crime | cinema politica

This is the official Group Nine e-mail address.

Group Nine is the local chapter of Amnesty International Canada in the Kitchener-Waterloo area. We normally meet at 7:30 pm on the first Tuesday of every month in Room 4224 (The Fretz Seminar Room) at Conrad Grebel College, University of Waterloo (140 Westmount Road North, Waterloo N2L 3G6). Please confirm by email or on our Facebook page.

Project Ploughshares: Canada and the Global Arms Trade – Monday, 21 September 2015

Project Ploughshares, in partnership with the MSCU Centre for Peace Advancement, Conrad Grebel University College and St. Jerome’s University, presents

Canada and the Global Arms Trade

How weapons exports may fuel human rights violations and armed conflict

Chair: Cesar Jaramillo, Project Ploughshares


  • Hilary Homes, Amnesty International Canada
  • Steven Chase, The Globe and Mail
  • Kenneth Epps, policy advisor to Project Ploughshares

When: 6:30 p.m. Monday, 21 September 21 (UN-established International Day of

Where: Theatre of the Arts Map,
Modern Languages, University of Waterloo

See Canada and the Global Arms Trade | Project Ploughshares for more information.

Eleanor Grant’s speech on Hydro One to Kitchener city council

This is the 5-minute presentation I made to Kitchener city council on the subject of the privatization of Hydro One, on 2015 June 29.

Mayor Vrbanovic, Councillors & Staff, fellow citizens:

Hydro power celebration, Berlin, Ontario
Hydro power celebration, Berlin, Ontario
We’ve all seen the inspiring pictures of the night when Berlin, Ontario was electrified in 1910. The banners over King St proclaimed POWER FOR THE PEOPLE.

Adam Beck — a staunch Conservative by the way — fought for hydroelectric power to be a public asset — Why? Because he wanted businesses across Ontario to have equal access to affordable power. Later he worked hard to get homes and farms electrified as well. Since the days of Sir Adam Beck, we’ve all come to see Ontario Hydro and its successors as a sacred trust and a source of pride.

If we were to lose public ownership and control over Hydro One, the potential impact on Ontario’s cities and our local distribution companies could be enormous.

You may have seen our MPP Daiene Vernile’s column in the Kitchener Citizen, which outlines the government’s position for privatization. She states that by retaining a 40% share, Ontario could somehow prevent the outcomes we all fear: skyrocketing rates, shares becoming resold and consolidated in foreign hands, and loss of all regulatory influence. Ms Vernile’s arguments don’t add up, to my mind anyway.

Let’s look at the possible impacts on Kitchener-Wilmot Hydro. What if KWH had to start paying a lot more for transmitted power? If our Hydro bills soared, would we have any recourse? Suppose that this Council, or a future one, wished to bring in a local power generation policy, could we be sued under the WTO? How great would the pressure be to let private interests buy up KWH? How would the new “Hydro Ombudsman” that Ms Vernile speaks of, be able to protect us against such forces?

If we don’t know the answers to these questions and more, then we need time to do the necessary due diligence. We need to ask the Province not to go ahead with this privatization plan at this time.

I have received endorsements from the leadership of several local groups: the Waterloo Regional Labour Council, Grand River Environmental Network, and the Council of Canadians, who will be bringing the issue of Hydro One before Guelph Council soon. I’ve also received support from former Councillor Jean Haalboom, and from Councillor Zyg Janecki who happens to be in Sask tonight.

I urge you to look into the questions I raised above with some urgency. The first IPO of 15% of Hydro One is already being prepared. There’s no time to lose.

Please let the Ontario government know that the people of Kitchener still want “Power for the People” to be a continuing reality, and not a distant memory.

Since the clerk’s office had twice refused to register me as a delegation, I had 5 minutes to speak and no standing on the agenda.

After my presentation, Councillor Yvonne Fernandes tabled a motion, seconded by Councillor Frank Etherington, similar to the motion on Hydro One adopted by the city of Oshawa. But Council voted not to debate or vote on her motion.

I hope this isn’t the end of the story …

Readers, no matter what municipality you live in, please tell your Mayor and Councillors that you’d like them to pass a resolution asking the Ont gov to Keep Hydro Public! More than 40 municipalities already have.

Eleanor Grant


Hydro power celebration, Berlin, Ontario from the Kitchener Public Library Grace Schmidt Room of Local History.
Copyright Statement: Public domain: Copyright has expired according to Canadian law. No restrictions on use.

March for Jobs Justice and the Climate, Sunday, 5 July 2015 in Toronto

People marching in the street
March for Jobs Justice and the Climate
A large rally is planned in Toronto for jobs, justice and the climate.

If you would like to attend but don’t want to drive, there is a bus going from Kitchener-Waterloo and Guelph.

Read more about the rally and sign up for the bus on the Facebook page March for Jobs, Justice & the Climate. More information is available at March for Jobs, Justice and the Climate web site.

Canada needs a new economy that works for people and the planet

From Alberta to the coasts, Canada is ready for an economy that creates good jobs for all, protects the air, land and water, and tackles climate change.

We don’t have to choose between the economy or the environment. By taking climate action, we can create an economy that is more fair and equal and generates hundreds of thousands of good green jobs. It means supporting the labour that takes care of people and the planet — education, healthcare, childcare and the protection of the land, much of it done by women. It means expanding localized agricultural systems to use less fossil fuels and provide affordable, nutritious food for everyone in Canada.

We want an economy in which workers earn a living wage – starting with a $15 minimum – and which prioritizes people who are unemployed, struggling in precarious, temporary, or non-unionized jobs or in industries being shut down. Which honours Indigenous peoples’ rights and recognizes their role in protecting the land, air and water for everyone. Which guarantees migrant and undocumented people are not excluded and receive full immigration status. Which ensures that black and brown lives matter as much as white ones and are free of racism and police violence. Which respects the limits of the environment made clear by climate science.

Climate action means protecting and expanding public control over our energy systems to ensure cheaper rates and a transition to clean energy sources. It also means building affordable, energy-efficient housing and better public transit.

This July, Toronto will host a Pan American Climate Summit and an Economic Summit, where politicians will face a choice: listen to corporate leaders from across the Americas gathering to advance an economic austerity agenda that is increasing inequality and causing a climate crisis felt disproportionally in the global south – or listen to the people.

On the eve of those summits, let’s make sure they hear our demands: a justice-based transition to a new energy economy, in which corporate polluters pay and ordinary people benefit.

The only way to overcome a small, powerful group who have a lot to lose is to build a massive movement of people with everything to gain.

On Sunday July 5, join the March for Jobs, Justice & the Climate in the streets of Toronto.

Films at the Balsillie School, 17-18 June 2015

Received via e-mail:

Hello everyone,

Please find attached an announcement for films that will be shown at the Balsillie School for International Affairs this week in classroom 1-42.

Both films are by filmmaker Amit Breuer, who will be attending the second of the viewings. I will facilitate a discussion following each of the films.

If you’re interested in documentary filmmaking and the Israel-Palestine conflict, feel free to attend. Both events are free and open to the university community.

With all the very best,

Balsillie School for International Affairs (BSIA) presents:

Open to students, faculty, and the university community

Exile: A Myth Unearthed

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

7:30 pm to 9:30 pm in BSIA Classroom 1-42

Discussion following film facilitated by Jasmin Habib (University of Waterloo)

NFB + Amythos Description: The exile of the Jews following the destruction of the Temple in 70 AD has played a central role in the Christian and Jewish traditions. But what if it never happened? That is one of the provocative questions raised by Exile: A Myth Unearthed. The film travels from Sepphoris to Masada, Jerusalem, and the catacombs of Rome, featuring interviews with leading historians and archaeologists. Throughout, we also return to a group of tourists who hear the traditional interpretation of events such as the siege of Masada – an interpretation which stands in sharp contrast to recent evidence. The issues raised in Exile are of more than passing historical interest. The possibility that many Jews – such as those of Sepphoris – simply remained where they lived raises uncomfortable questions. Re-thinking exile might overturn long-held historical and cultural ideas. But it may also point to a richer, more diverse past than we had ever imagined. [Amit Breuer (Amythos Media), Serge Gordey & Christine Camdessus (Alegria Productions), Colette Loumède (National Film Board of Canada), Ilan Ziv (TAMI)]


with Introduction by Amit Breuer (Amythos Films)

Thursday, June 18, 2015 7:30 pm to 9:30 pm in BSIA Classroom 1-42

Q+A following the film facilitated by Jasmin Habib

AMYTHOS Description: The West Bank and Gaza Strip have been under Israeli Military authority since 1967. Over three million Palestinians live under Israeli occupation. When travelling from one village or city to another to go to work, to visit relatives, or to get medical treatment, they must pass through Israeli checkpoints. These checkpoints, essentially the first points of contact between the two people, have an enormous significance in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Amit Breuer (Amythos Media), Edna & Elinor Kowarsky (Eden Productions).

Awards include: VPRO Joris Ivens Award, 2003, IDFA, The Netherlands; Best International Documentary Feature Award, 2004, Hot Docs, Canadian International Documentary Festival, Toronto; The Golden Gate Award, 2004, San Francisco Int’l Film Festival, USA; Special Documentary Award, 2004, DOKFEST Munich Documentary Festival, Germany; Cinematography Award, 2004, Tel Aviv Int’l Documentary Film Festival, Israel; Special Jury Mention, 2004, First Prize for Innovative Photography; Documentary Madrid, Spain; Best Documentary Award, 2004, Newport International Film Festival, USA; Best Documentary Award, 2004, Calgary International Film Festival, Canada; Best Documentary Award, 2004, Docupolis Festival, Barcelona, Spain; Winner of The Golden Rib Award, 2004, Zagreb Int’l Film Festival, Croatia; European Film Academy Documentary PRIX ARTE Award (2004).

These films form a part of the workshop on “Israeli Emigres, Human Rights, and the Israel-Palestine Conflict” organised by Jasmin Habib, University of Waterloo and Rhoda Howard Hassman, Canada Research Chair, Human Rights, Wilfrid Laurier University and sponsored by the Balsillie School for International Affairs.

Peace Quest KW Hosts Panel Discussion “Is War Ever Black and White?” — 30 April 2015

Is War Ever Black and White?
Is War Ever Black and White?
For Immediate Release

Media Contact: Emily Mininger,

Local Peace Group Hosts Panel Discussion “Is War Ever Black and White?”

By Emily Mininger
April 14, 2015

Waterloo, ON — Local peace group PeaceQuest KW is hosting a panel discussion event “Is War Ever Black and White? Recolourizing the Reality of War on April 30th at Stirling Mennonite Church.” This free public event is features speakers Marlene Epp, professor of History and Peace and Conflict Studies at the University of Waterloo; John Siebert, Executive Director of Project Ploughshares; and Andrew Thompson, Director, Amnesty International Canada Board.

As we are currently in the midst of commemorating the 100th anniversary of World War I, PeaceQuest wants to use this as an opportunity to raise conversations about working towards peace. April 22nd- May 25th marks the 100th Anniversary of the Battle of 2nd Ypres, and so PeaceQuest KW seeks to hold a conversation about the complex nature of war around this prominent anniversary. To quote PeaceQuest KW facilitator Emily Mininger, “Instead of glorifying our past conflicts, we should be motivated by horrific violence to ensure that it never happens again. PeaceQuest encourages Canadians to reflect on how we can learn from these tragedies to build a brighter future.”

Much of the time, news and popular media, war is painted as a black and white image- us vs. them, evil vs. good, hero vs. villain. As we’re commemorating the 100th anniversary of WWI, the “Great War” is often depicted as a just and noble war in which we heroically defeated the evils of the Central Powers. But is that really the case? Can a conflict that caused the deaths of over 9 million combatants and 7 million citizens truly be noble?

This panel discussion hopes to dig into a complicated reality, as we replace the monochromatic commemorative narrative with a full colour version that illustrates the true complexity of war from WWI to our present conflicts.

This event is being hosted in collaboration with PeaceQuest, Stirling Mennonite Church’s Peace and Justice Working Group, the MSCU Centre for Peace Advancement at Conrad Grebel University College, and Educators for Justice.

-end of release-

Is War Ever Black and White? Recolourizing the Reality of War
Poster – Is War Ever Black and White?

Download poster (.PDF file, 535 KBytes)

Facebook page: Is War Ever Black and White? Recolourizing the Reality of War | Facebook

FREEDOMS …. Saturday March 21 2015 … all day at Kitchener City Hall

Received via e-mail:

Date: Thu, 19 Mar 2015 08:11:21 -0400
Subject: FREEDOMS …. Saturday March 21 2015 … all day at Kitchener City Hall

please join us (even by Skype – that can be arranged):

Cross Culture’s annual commemoration of the UN International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

a FREE all day public event

at the Kitchener City Hall

Saturday March 21 2015

10:00 am
opening ceremony

followed by


1:00 pm
interactive PANEL DISCUSSION on FREEDOM of speech, thought, religion …
where each panelist will give a 5-7 minute perspective and then engage in dialogue with the audience and the other panelists .. (not Q & A)

  • definition of freedom
  • religious cartoons
  • distinction between freedom of speech and hate speech
  • historic and global examples
  • impact on minorities
  • Bill C-51


more speakers

and of course . . .

6:00 pm

PEACE concert

and the visual artists show …

please feel free to call or email me for further details

Gehan D. Sabry
Editor / Publisher
Cross Cultures magazine (since 1991)
POB 20002 Kitchener ON N2P 2B4
Tel: (519) 748-9520
Fax: (519) 893-4259

UN day

Remembrance for Peace – Monday, 10 November 2014 at 7:00pm

Received by e-mail:

Subject: Event notice
Date: Thu, 9 Oct 2014 14:59:33 +0000
From: Debbie Hughes <>

Project Ploughshares is co-sponsoring the following event and would like to bring it to your attention.

Remembrance for Peace — How can we commemorate the tragedy of World War 1 by emphasizing peace?

Monday November 10th , 7 pm

Conrad Grebel University College Chapel, 140 Westmount Rd North, Waterloo.

This is a presentation and discussion featuring Jamie Swift, co-author of Warrior Nation: Rebranding Canada in an Age of Anxiety.

Debbie Hughes

Assistant to the Directors

Project Ploughshares

November 10, 2014 - Remembrance for Peace

Join us for a presentation and discussion.

Featuring Jamie Swift, co-author of Warrior Nation: Rebranding Canada in an Age of Anxiety

Canada’s Vimy Ridge war memorial features the statue Breaking of the Sword. Has this peace message been eclipsed by a glorious, birth-of-a-nation war story?

How can we commemorate the tragedy of World War I by emphasizing peace?

Let us colletively explore these questions by starting a PeaceQuest affiliate group in Waterloo!

Refreshments will be served.

For more information please contact

7:00pm – Monday November 10th
Conrad Grebel University College Chapel
140 Westmount Road North

PeaceQuest is a grassroots organization dedicated to stimulating public conversations about peace and Canada’s role in peacemaking during the WWI centenaries.

This event is co-sponsored by Peace & Conflict Studies and the MSCU Centre for Peace Advancement at Conrad Grebel University College, and Project Ploughshares.

Group Nine of Amnesty International in KW meeting, 7pm Monday 29 Sept 2014

From the Group Nine mailing list:

Group Nine Meeting

Amnesty International CanadaThe meeting will be on Monday, 29 September, 7PM, room 1301, at Conrad Grebel on the east side of Westmount Drive just north of University Avenue.

Parking is free and, for those who need it, there are several accessible spaces just in front of the main door.

Our main agenda item will be organizing for the Write-for-Rights event in December. This always occurs on or near Human Rights Day which is on the 10th. Nancy Bernhardt can no longer organize these, but she will be there on the 29th to advise anyone else who can volunteer.

One of the items to be discussed is the invitation from Peace and Conflict Studies at Conrad Grebel to give a one hour presentation on Group Nine and Amnesty International to their brown bag lunch series. I’ve tentatively set this for November 20th.

If there are any other items you’d like to have on the agenda, please let me know ASAP. In general, I see this as an opportunity for all of us to get to know each other and make plans for the coming year. New members are always welcome!

Hope to see you on the 29th!

David Lubell is the offical Group Nine e-mail address. Group Nine is the local chapter of Amnesty International Kitchener-Waterloo and area.

Website for Group Nine : *under reconstruction*
Amnesty International Canada:

UofW Public Lecture: Taking Peace to the Pentagon, Thursday, 25 September 2014 at 7:00pm

Found on the University of Waterloo Events calendar:

Celebrating International Day of Peace: Taking Peace to the Pentagon

Peace and Conflict Studies Lecture featuring Distinguished Alumna Lisa Schirch.

Location: Conrad Grebel University College Great Hall. [Map]

Reception following the lecture in the Grebel Gallery in the MSCU Centre for Peace Advancement.

Free public event.

Contact or call +1-519-885-0220;ext=24217 for details.