Dan Burton Presents: In Between Spaces, An Art Show – Friday, 23 August 2013

Cathy MacLellan writes:

Hello Friends:

Next weekend I’ll be celebrating yet another birthday – by attending an art show in Kitchener! On Friday, August 23rd, I’ll be at the Opus Lounge, supporting our local artists and ROOF. Just as Waterloo Region has become a hub for hi tech entrepreneurial enterprises so too the number of new and promising artists has grown exponentially, full disclosure – my daughter is one of them! This event marks the professional curatorial debut of Daniel Burton. Look for the posters around town and check it out here:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/484702944951652/
Buying Tickets: http://inbetweenspaces.eventbrite.ca/

“It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.”
Henry David Thoreau

Enjoy your weekend!

Cathy MacLellan

And Happy Birthday, Cathy!

Housing Opens Doors — Thursday, 27 June 2013

In her latest newsletter, Eleanor Grant writes of several local events, followed by a number of petitions on federal issues as Canada Day approaches ….

EVENT: Housing Opens Doors.
On June 27, ONPHA, the Social Planning Council of Kitchener-Waterloo, and HHUG will set-up the Housing Opens Doors installation in front of Kitchener City Hall [map] to raise awareness of the importance of affordable housing and the powerful role it plays in Waterloo Region.
Join us between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. and show your support for affordable housing. You know that an affordable home has the power to change lives and benefit communities – help us share that message!

Eleanor Grant writes a semi-regular e-mail newsletter on social justice issues. You can contact Eleanor at eleanor7000@gmail.com

FairVoteWRC Film Screening: Whipped – Monday, 24 June 2013

@FairvoteWRC presents Whipped: The secret world of party discipline, Mon 24 June 2013, 7pm at WLU

Whipped: The secret world of party discipline
A film by Sean Holman
Sharon Sommerville, Co-chair for the Fair Vote Canada Waterloo Region Chapter writes:

Hello Everyone,

WHIPPED“, Sean Holman’s new documentary on the topical and controversial issue of party discipline is coming to Waterloo Region along with the filmmaker! To whom do MP’s owe their greatest allegiance: their party, their constituents or their conscience?

On Monday, June 24 at 7pm at Laurier’s Bricker Academic Building, Room 210, FVC-WR and co-sponsors KWNDP, KWGP, KWFLA and YCYC/VCVC are pleased to screen, “WHIPPED” and host a post screening panel with the filmmaker Sean Holman, Larry Aberle, President of the KWNDP and Karen Redman, former Liberal MP and party whip.

This is going to be a great evening of political education for all. We will be taking donations at the door to help cover expenses for this event. Suggested donation is $10 or what you can spare!

Hope to see you on June 24 for an exciting evening of political discussion.

Kind regards,

Sharon Sommerville, Co-Chair

Who: Fair Vote Canada Waterloo Region Chapter
What: Film Screening of “WHIPPED: The secret world of party discipline
When: Monday, 24 June 2013, 7:00pm
Where: Room 210, Bricker Academic Building, Wilfrid Laurier University, Bricker St., Waterloo, Ontario map
Donation: Suggested $10 donation at the door
More information: Sharon Sommerville at shareonsommerville@gmail or Anita Nickerson at anita.nickerson@fairvote.ca

Homelessness Awareness Week (5 – 11 May 2013)

Eleanor Grant writes:

  • Sun May 5 at 10:20 a.m: First United Church, Waterloo (King & Wm) – Outreach church service focussed on homelessness in our community.
  • Sun May 5 at 7 pm AND Mon May 6 at 9:15 pm: Princess Twin – Movie: HIT ‘N STRUM, a drama about a homeless musician in Vancouver.
  • Stepping Up: Monday May 6th 2013, 11:30am -1:00pm: Join us for a silent walk with masks, from Waterloo Square to Kitchener City Hall, to raise awareness of homelessness in the Waterloo Region.
    RSVP to Mike Savage by Phone: (519-579-5268) or by email : msavage@golden.net
  • Speaking Up: Tuesday, May 7th, 1:00- 2:30pm at Kitchener City Hall Rotunda: Speakers from all walks of life will discuss personal experiences of homelessness as well as challenges of service provision in the Waterloo Region. Light Refreshments will be served.
  • Tues May 7 at 7 pm: First United Church – Discussion of Hit ‘n Strum movie. (This is not a screening of the movie.) Please RSVP to Mike at msavage@golden.net
  • Thurs May 9 at 5:30 pm at Kitchener City Hall: free BBQ sponsored by Downtown Kitchener Community Health Centre – followed by Kindred Spirit awards.

For more information:

Eleanor Grant writes a semi-regular e-mail newsletter on social justice issues. You can contact Eleanor at eleanor7000@gmail.com

May Day Campaign: Raise Minimum Wage to $14 now! #14Now

The 2013 Ontario budget will be announced this Thursday. We need your support to help us raise the minimum wage!

Eleanor Grant writes:

Peace and Justice Friends –

Please join in the May 1 Twitter / E-mail campaign to Premier Kathleen Wynne, in time for the Ontario Budget on May 2. Tell her Ontario needs a minimum wage of $14 now!

Initiated by Workers’ Action Centre in Toronto.

Let’s flood the Premier’s computer! Simple steps in forwarded msg below.

More articles on minimum wage:

Melt the Freeze! Campaign to Raise Ontario’s Minimum Wage” by Jean Kenyon

“Behind the Numbers: Boost the Minimum Wage, Boost the Economy, from the bottom up” by Armine Yalnizyan

Trish Hennessy “What if the minimum wage were a living wage?

Armine Yalnizyan: Welcome to the wageless recovery!


———- Forwarded message ———-
From: “Special Diet” <forspecialdiet@gmail.com>
Date: Apr 29, 2013 5:49 PM
Subject: action alert – may day email and twitter campaign!

This International Workers Day – May 1st – take a moment to tweet or email Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne, demanding a raise in the minimum wage.

$14.00 Now!

The 2013 Ontario budget will be announced this Thursday.  We need your support to help us raise the minimum wage!

Please forward this call-out to your networks, friends and family. We only have a few days, and every message counts!

Callout adapted from Workers Action Centre, workersactioncentre.org:

Take action on Mayday to send a message to Premier Kathleen Wynne before the May 2 budget. Ontario needs a minimum wage that lifts workers out of poverty now; no delays, no commission to study minimum wage.

  1. Send a tweet to @Kathleen Wynne, #14now
  2. E-mail Kathleen Wynne at premier@ontario.ca  – or write a letter from your organization supporting our call for an immediate increase and no panel! (Sample E-mail)
  3. Submit a letter to your local paper on why your community needs a raise now
  4. Like the Campaign to Raise the Minimum Wage on Facebook to get regular updates

Why we need a minimum wage increase now!

In March, communities across Ontario came together to launch a campaign for a minimum wage increase.  Creative actions took place in 15 different cities, calling for a raise in the minimum wage to $14.  The message was clear, we need an increase now!

As we get ready for the 2013 budget to be announced on May 2, we are calling on the government to raise the minimum wage to $14 and not to delay with an advisory panel or commission.

We need a raise in the minimum wage to $14 an hour now because:

  • A strong minimum wage will help workers, our communities and boost our economy.
  • Working full-time should raise us above the poverty line.  Working 35 hours a week, we need $14 an hour to get 10% above the poverty line (LIM) in 2013.
  • The minimum wage has been frozen for 3 years while rent, food and transit costs have soared! It’s time to melt the freeze, and then index the minimum wage to the cost of living each year.

Don’t delay with an advisory panel

If the Minister of Labour creates an advisory panel to study the minimum wage:

  • It will be a deliberate strategy to have a minimum wage rate set below the poverty line while trying to avoid responsibility for that decision.
  • It will be a way to distance the government from a decision to keep minimum wage workers in poverty.
  • It will be a waste of time and taxpayer’s money.

We have seen other examples of the Ontario government under Dalton McGuinty establishing panels and commissions to make recommendations that were inadequate, or that the government didn’t follow, such as the long-term affordable housing strategy and Social Assistance Review Commission.

Ontario workers don’t need a panel or commission to study the minimum wage.  We need an increase now to bring us out of poverty!

For more information, visit: workersactioncentre.org

Take action!

The Campaign to Raise the Minimum Wage is coordinated by ACORN, Freedom 90, Mennonite New Life Centre, OCAP, Ontario Campaign 2000, Parkdale Community Legal Services, Put Food in the Budget, Social Planning Toronto, Toronto and York Region Labour Council and the Workers’ Action Centre.

For additional info and local action visit povertymakesussick.wordpress.com PMUS is a proud member of the Raise the Rates campaign, and actively participates in the #14now Raise the Minimum Wage campaign

Eleanor Grant writes a semi-regular e-mail newsletter on social justice issues. You can contact Eleanor at eleanor7000@gmail.com

Fair Taxation For All

Monday, 29 April 2013, 7:00pm: Fair Taxation For All with Dennis Howlett, executive director of Canadians for Tax Fairness.
First United Church Waterloo (King and William St) (map).

Dennis Howlett is touring to launch CTF’s new book The Great Revenue Robbery.  The book will be available for sale at the event.

Very timely in light of new revelations that $32 trillion worldwide is deposited in tax havens, with billions in lost revenue to governments that are struggling with deficits and austerity.

Event sponsored by KAIROS Grand River as part of series Restoring A Good Life for All.  Co-sponsored by Waterloo Region Labour Council.
