Rally to Stop NATO, 4:30pm Tuesday 28 June 2022 at Waterloo Square

Stop NATO (illustration of a person in the style of Picasso's Guernica holding a Stop sign and a broken NATO plane, all on a red background)Today is start of NATO summit, join Tamara Lorincz at Waterloo Public Square to say stop the war, stop NATO!

Tamara Lorincz writes:

Hello everyone,

A friendly reminder that I will have a small rally “Stop the Weapons, Stop the War, Stop NATO” on Tuesday, June 28 from 4:30-5:30 pm at the Waterloo Public Square. Map

This action is in solidarity with the actions taking place across Canada, the UK and Spain during the NATO Summit in Madrid.

Yesterday in Madrid, 20,000 people were on the streets saying No to NATO.

It is because of NATO that the war in Ukraine is raging, that Canada has increased military spending by 70% over the past 7 years and will increase it another 70% over the next 5 years, why Canada is not joining the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, why Canada is buying fighter jets, attack helicopters, armed drones and warships.

NATO’s militarism and military spending is the greatest threat to people and the planet.

Please join me! See more details below and here: https://peaceandjusticenetwork.ca/stopnato/


Waterloo Peace Vigil: End the War in Yemen – 2pm, Saturday 26 March 2022

#CanadaStopArmingSaudi | 7 Years of War on Yemen | Day of Action | End the War in Yemen | March 26 2022 | #DayOfAction4Yemen #YemenCantWait
What: Waterloo Peace Vigil: End War in Yemen
When: 2:00pm to 3:00pm, Saturday 26 March 2022
Where: Waterloo Town Square, 75 King Street South, Waterloo Map

World Beyond War

  • Website: https://worldbeyondwar.org/
  • Twitter: @worldbeyondwar
  • Facebook: @worldbeyondwar
  • Canada-wide Day of Action #StandForPeace #NoWarWithRussia, Saturday 5 February 2022 at Noon

    Tamara Lorincz writes:

    Hello KW Peace,

    In solidarity with actions planned across the US led by Join CODEPINK and our allies at the Day Of Action February 5 2022 codepink.org/02052022 | No War with Russia over Ukraine! Negotiate Don't EscalateCODEPINK and across Europe (including outside the NATO headquarters), we are calling for another Canada-wide Day of Action #StandForPeace #NoWarWithRussia for this Saturday, February 5. the entrance of the Kitchener Farmers Market from 12-1pm. If anyone is free and wants to join us that would be great. Canada and NATO are fomenting a war with Russia over Ukraine. Canada is now spending $340 million to militarize the conflict instead of investing in social welfare at home and abroad.

    Canada has just sent a warship, special forces, more soldiers and more financial assistance to Ukraine and the Trudeau government and mainstream media ramping up the war rhetoric.

    In Kitchener, I will be standing at the entrance of the Farmers Market, 300 King St, from 12:00-1:00 pm, please join me if you can.

    If you can’t make it, please take a photo of yourself holding a sign with #StandForPeace and share it on social media with the hashtag and we will circulate it.

    List of action, graphic, statement etc: Voice of Women | La Voix Des Femmes (on stylized globe logo) | Canadian Voice Of Women For Peace (below logo)https://vowpeace.org/
    Send your photo to: info@vowpeace.org
    Read our statement: https://www.foreignpolicy.ca/ukraine
    Sign and share the petition: https://actionnetwork.org/letters/ukraineconflict

    In solidarity and have a good weekend,

    Canada-wide Day of Action | #STANDFORPEACE | In solidarity with the International Day of Action| Saturday, February 5 (2022) | In cities across the country. | Organize or find an event near you; vowpeace.org | #NoWarWithRussia | #NeutralityForUkraine | #CanadaOutOfNATO | Canadian Voice of Women For Peace (with logo) | #PeaceNotWar (with logo)

    CANADA-WIDE DAY OF ACTION: #StandForPeace #NoWarWithRussia #NeutralityForUkraine #CanadaOutofNATO

    Saturday, February 5

    Join us for an emergency rally part of a Canada-wide day of action to #StandForPeace. If you are alarmed about the escalating danger of a US-NATO war with Russia over Ukraine and are opposed to Canada sending weapons, soldiers and special forces to Ukraine. Join us in calling on Canada to stop militarizing the conflict and to engage in diplomatic negotiations for a political solution and a lasting peace. On Saturday, bring a sign, help us distribute leaflets and urge our neighbours to stand for peace. Take a photo and share are our graphic #StandForPeace on social media.

    See CODEPINK call out #PeaceWithRussia #NoWarWithRussia: https://www.codepink.org/02052022

    Stand Up For Palestinian Children’s Rights: Waterloo Square, 11am Saturday 27 November 2021

    November 29 Is United Nations Day Of Solidarity With The Palestinian People

    Arabic Federation flag (black, white, green horizontal stripes with a red equilateral triangle with one edge along the hoist side) On Saturday, 27 November 2021 come to Waterloo Square at 11:00am to call on the Canadian government to send a Special Envoy to Palestine-Israel to investigate the treatment of Palestinian children subjected to Israeli military arrest and detention.

    Palestinian children growing up in the Occupied Palestinian Territories live under Israeli military occupation. Their day-to-day reality includes home and school demolitions, water rationing, the loss of family land, checkpoints and military gates, night raids, detentions, and imprisonment. It’s time for Canada to stand up for Palestinian children’s rights.

    In 2018 a group of Canadian Members of Parliament went to Palestine to see the situation of Palestinians living under Israeli military rule. One of the recommendations of the group upon their return was that the Government of Canada sends a Special Envoy to investigate the situation of Palestinians living under Israeli military rule. Today we are renewing that call.

    As part of a network dedicated to pursuing human rights in the Middle East, we are inviting you to help us renew that call and ask the Special Envoy to specifically look into the treatment of Palestinian children being arrested, harassed, and often tortured.

    Please join us at Waterloo Square in Uptown Waterloo for this Public Witness Event to learn more about the practice the Israeli soldiers arresting and putting Palestinian children in Israeli detention.

    If you have any questions please contact:

    Kathy Bergen

    KW Peace Meeting Spring 2021: Online, 21 April at 7:00pm

    Potluck dinner Hello KW Peace friends

    Thanks to everyone who let us know what date would best suit for an online chat.

    Wednesday 21 April 2021
    7:00-8:30 pm

    Add this event to your calendar iCal

    This is a web conference using Free Software called BigBlueButton. Click on the meeting link and enter your name for the meeting (how others in the room will see you)

    In the next window select that you want to use a microphone.

    In the meeting:

    • You can make the welcome banner go away by clicking the in its top right corner
    • You can turn the chat room (the left parts of your screen) on / off by clicking the < in the top left
    • You can share your video by clicking the camera icon in the bottom centre
    • For other tips and tricks Bob Jonkman will be there to help us all 😊

    In the past KW Peace would hold occasional pot luck meetings – just a time for folks to share what their group’s been up to, to chat about projects, successes, difficulties, share resources etc.

    The format of our online meeting will be to (re)introduce ourselves, talk about the group(s) you work with, and whatever else we want to chat about.

    If you have thoughts or questions please let us know.

    Looking forward to virtually meeting


    WR Nonviolence

    Online KW Peace Get-Together?

    Waterloo Region Nonviolence | WRNHello Friends of KW Peace

    It’s been a year since our last KW Peace meeting and things have changed!

    Let’s get together and chat about how things are going with our groups. Are there challenges we can overcome together?

    If you’re interested, fill in this poll to find out what dates work best for us.

    When we confirm a date we’ll send an email with a link to the meeting room.


    Matt Albrecht <matthewalbrecht@wrnonviolence.org>


    No New Fighter Jets Rallies in Waterloo Region, Fri. 2 Oct. 2020- #NoNewFighterJets #ClimatePeace

    Silhouette of a fighter jet with a "No" symbol over it (red circle with a diagonal line)
    No Fighter Jets
    Friday, 2 October 2020 is the International Day of Nonviolence. There will be rallies across Canada to protest Canada’s $19 Billion purchase of new fighter jets.

    Here are the rallies taking place in Waterloo Region:


    When: 12 Noon to 1:00pm on Friday, 2 October 2020
    Where: Outside MP Raj Saini‘s office
    Location: 1209 Frederick Street, Kitchener, Ontario Map 1
    Contact: Mary Groh <marygroh05@gmail.com>, Conscience Canada and KW Peace.


    When: 12 Noon to 1:00pm on Friday, 2 October 2020
    Where: Outside MP Bardish Chagger‘s office
    Location: 100 Regina Street, Waterloo, Ontario Map 2
    Contact: Tamara Lorincz <tlorincz@dal.ca>, Canadian Voice of Women for Peace and KW Peace.


    When: 3:30pm to 4:30pm on Friday, 2 October 2020
    Where: Outside MP Bryan May‘s office
    Location: 534 Hespeler Road, Cambridge, Ontario Map 3
    Contact: Tamara Lorincz <tlorincz@dal.ca>, Canadian Voice of Women for Peace and KW Peace.

    Join us to say #NoNewFighterJets. We can’t #decarbonize with carbon-intensive combat aircraft. #GreenJobs not war jobs.

    Join us on October 2nd, 2020 | for our second pan-Canadian Protest to redirect $19 billion from fighter jets to programs and supports that Canadians desperately need. Weapons can’t keep us safe from the threats that we face. | Fighter Jets Can’t Fight | Climate Change | Unemployment | Homelessness | Inequality | Covid-19 | Poverty | Racism | Sexism | #NoNewFighterJets #ClimatePeace | https://vowpeace.org/nofighterjets/

    Join us on October 2nd, 2020

    for our second pan-Canadian Protest to redirect $19 billion from fighter jets to programs and supports that Canadians desperately need. Weapons can’t keep us safe from the threats that we face.

    Fighter Jets Can’t Fight

    • Climate Change
    • Unemployment
    • Homelessness
    • Inequality
    • Covid-19
    • Poverty
    • Racism
    • Sexism

    #NoNewFighterJets #ClimatePeace

    War is Not Essential – KW Rally 1pm on Thu, 11 June 2020 – #StopArmingSaudi

    War is Not Essential: Day of Action to #StopArmingSaudi (partial image of a Light Armoured Vehicle to the left of a black banner with words)
    What: War is Not Essential – Kitchener-Waterloo
    When: Thursday, 11 June 2020 from 1:00pm to 2:00pm
    Where: In front of office of the Hon. Bardish Chagger, MP for Waterloo
    Location: 100 Regina Street South, Waterloo, Ontario Map
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1322887947904895/

    In the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic, Canada has lifted the moratorium on issuing arms exports for weapons destined for Saudi Arabia, and Light Armoured Vehicles (LAVs) continue to be manufactured in London, Ontario under the label of an essential service.

    Saudi Arabia has used these LAVs to suppress peaceful protests and there is mounting evidence that Canadian-made LAVs are being deployed in the war in Yemen. Canadian arms exports just don’t line up with Canada’s legal commitment under the Arms Trade Treaty or a feminist foreign policy. Ending arms exports doesn’t have to mean the loss of good jobs. As we confront the twin crises of COVID-19 and climate change, the call for conversion of arms industries to socially useful production must be loud and clear.

    Join us on June 11th for a day of action to #StopArmingSaudi.

    If you are in or near Kitchener-Waterloo, you can join a physically-distant protest outside MP for Waterloo Bardish Chagger’s constituency office (360-100 Regina St. South, Waterloo). Please respect public health directives, maintain physical distancing and wear masks.

    No matter where you are, you can join us for a simultaneous virtual protest to show your solidarity and hear from speakers on the ground and at the forefront of the movement to #StopArmingSaudi.

    Join us for the virtual protest on Zoom


    If you can’t join the virtual protest, take part in the day of action on social media:

    Share your opposition and call on Canada to #StopArmingSaudi. Tag General Dynamics Land Systems, Justin Trudeau and François-Philippe Champagne, along with your own Member of Parliament (find them at https://www.ourcommons.ca/Members/en/addresses) to ask them to take action now.

    Take action now:

    Sign Oxfam Canada’s petition: https://www.oxfam.ca/armsdeal

    Sign Amnesty Canada’s English petition: https://takeaction.amnesty.ca/page/35358/action/1

    Sign Amnesty Canada’s French petition: https://agir.amnistie.ca/page/17954/petition/1

    This day of action is jointly organized by: KW Peace, Labour Against the Arms Trade, People for Peace London, Council of Canadians London Chapter, Amnesty International Canada, Amnistie Internationale Canada, Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East, Canadian Voices of Women for Peace, Peace Brigades International Canada, Oxfam Canada, World Beyond War and Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom.

    KWPeace Spring 2020 Potluck Dinner Meeting: Thursday 12 March 2020

    New Date: Due to many other events on the 19th, the KWPeace Spring 2020 Potluck Dinner Meeting will be held on 12 March 2020 at 6:00pm in the Civic Hub

    Potluck dinnerHello again KWPeace Groups organizers! The poll has spoken and the most popular date for the KWPeace Spring 2020 Potluck Dinner Meeting is Thursday 19 12 March 2020.

    It turns out the Civic Hub is very popular, and there are already two other groups using the space on that date and time (Hello, Extinction Rebellion and KW Our Time!) Hopefully we can all share the space together (and have increased participation in the potluck), but I’ve indicated on the Civic Hub booking request that our alternate date would be Thursday 12 March 2020. So, keep both dates open for the moment!

    The Spring 2020 Potluck Dinner Meeting is just before the summer festival season begins. I know some groups are already busy planning their events for the summer, so this is a great time to let us all know so we’re not booking the same dates and we’re able to attend each others’ events.

    Vegetables on a plate in the shape of a Peace sign
    What: KWPeace Spring 2020 Potluck Dinner Meeting
    When: Thursday 12 March 2020 from 6:00pm to 8:00pm
    Where: Civic Hub Waterloo Region
    Location: 23 Water Street North, Kitchener, Ontario Map

    To enter the Civic Hub at the doors on Duke Street; press the buzzer for Social Development Centre Waterloo Region to summon the doorkeeper.

    And although the time for the actual meeting is 6:00pm to 8:00pm, there’s setup at 5:30pm and cleanup from 8:00pm to 8:30pm. Setup and cleanup assistance is greatly appreciated!

    See you all at the Civic Hub!