Obstacles to a Good Life for Refugees — Monday, 17 June 2013 at 7:00pm

Obstacles to a Good Life for Refugees — Monday, 17 June 2013 at 7:00pm

In her latest newsletter, Eleanor Grant writes of several local events, followed by a number of petitions on federal issues as Canada Day approaches ….

EVENT: Obstacles to a Good Life for Refugees.
Tonight Mon June 17 at 7 pm at First United Church, King and William Street, Waterloo. (Park in public lot off Caroline.) [map]
KAIROS-GRAND RIVER invites you to explore what are the obstacles for good life for refugees and how can our community respond to these issues.
Contact: Dianne Gilchrist at 519-579-3589 | dianne.gilchrist@bell.net


Events are being held throughout June in honour of the refugees among us:

Eleanor Grant writes a semi-regular e-mail newsletter on social justice issues. You can contact Eleanor at eleanor7000@gmail.com

Refugee Sponsorship: Obstacles to a Good Life for Refugees – Monday, 17 June 2013

Theme: Refugee Sponsorship (Obstacles to a Good Life for Refugees) – with discussion.
Guest presenters:

  • Jennifer Ardon, Church Liaison and Volunteer Coordinator, Canadian Lutheran World Relief (CLWR)
  • Janet Howitt, Trinity United Church and Chair of the Refugee Committee

at First United Church – King & William Street, Waterloo map at 7 p.m. (doors open at 6:45 p.m.)

(This is a World Refugee Day Kitchener-Waterloo Event. See http://worldrefugeedaykw.ca for complete listing.)

Affordable Housing and Refugee Sponsorship

From Eleanor Grant’s newsletter:

And from KAIROS Grand River:

Here is a friendly reminder about our last two KAIROS-Grand River events this spring, on the theme Restoring A Good Life for All.

Both events are at First United Church – King & William Street, Waterloo map at 7 p.m. (doors open at 6:45 p.m.)

Monday MAY 27

Theme: Affordable housing for everyone – with discussion.
Guest presenters:

  • Michael Schuster, former Commissioner Social Services at Region of Waterloo
  • Colin Gage, GM Victoria Park Community Homes

Monday JUNE 17

Theme: Refugee Sponsorship (Obstacles to a Good Life for Refugees) – with discussion.
Guest presenters:

  • Jennifer Ardon, Church Liaison and Volunteer Coordinator, Canadian Lutheran World Relief (CLWR)
  • Janet Howitt, Trinity United Church and Chair of the Refugee Committee

(This is a World Refugee Day Kitchener-Waterloo Event. See http://worldrefugeedaykw.ca for complete listing.)

All are welcome.

Eleanor Grant writes a semi-regular e-mail newsletter on social justice issues. You can contact Eleanor at eleanor7000@gmail.com

Restoring a Good Life for All: Affordable housing for everyone

A presentation by KAIROS Grand River.

Restoring a Good Life for All: Affordable housing for everyone

Presenters: Michael Schuster, former Commissioner Social Services at Region of Waterloo, Colin Gage, GM Victoria Park Community Homes.

When: Monday, 27 May 2013, 7:00pm to 9:30pm; Doors open at 6:45pm
Where: First United Church, 16 William Street West, Waterloo (map)

Fair Taxation For All

Monday, 29 April 2013, 7:00pm: Fair Taxation For All with Dennis Howlett, executive director of Canadians for Tax Fairness.
First United Church Waterloo (King and William St) (map).

Dennis Howlett is touring to launch CTF’s new book The Great Revenue Robbery.  The book will be available for sale at the event.

Very timely in light of new revelations that $32 trillion worldwide is deposited in tax havens, with billions in lost revenue to governments that are struggling with deficits and austerity.

Event sponsored by KAIROS Grand River as part of series Restoring A Good Life for All.  Co-sponsored by Waterloo Region Labour Council.


Kairos series on Poverty begins Mon Sept 24

Kairos Grand River is presenting a series of evenings on poverty and inequality.

All events will be at First United Church in Waterloo (King & William) on the last Monday of the month.


All events will be at First United Church

King & William Street, Waterloo

at 7 p.m. (doors open at 6:45 p.m.)

September 24

The movie – “Poor No More” – a documentary film directed by Canadian filmmakers Bert Deveaux and Suzanne Babin, executive producer, David Langille.

October 29

Based on  “The Spirit Level”(Why equality matters) by Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett, winner of the 2011 Political Studies Association Publication of the Year Award.

November 26

Real Life Stories – Poverty in Waterloo Region

January 28

Poverty Reduction Strategies