FREEDOMS …. Saturday March 21 2015 … all day at Kitchener City Hall

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Date: Thu, 19 Mar 2015 08:11:21 -0400
Subject: FREEDOMS …. Saturday March 21 2015 … all day at Kitchener City Hall

please join us (even by Skype – that can be arranged):

Cross Culture’s annual commemoration of the UN International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

a FREE all day public event

at the Kitchener City Hall

Saturday March 21 2015

10:00 am
opening ceremony

followed by


1:00 pm
interactive PANEL DISCUSSION on FREEDOM of speech, thought, religion …
where each panelist will give a 5-7 minute perspective and then engage in dialogue with the audience and the other panelists .. (not Q & A)

  • definition of freedom
  • religious cartoons
  • distinction between freedom of speech and hate speech
  • historic and global examples
  • impact on minorities
  • Bill C-51


more speakers

and of course . . .

6:00 pm

PEACE concert

and the visual artists show …

please feel free to call or email me for further details

Gehan D. Sabry
Editor / Publisher
Cross Cultures magazine (since 1991)
POB 20002 Kitchener ON N2P 2B4
Tel: (519) 748-9520
Fax: (519) 893-4259

UN day

Group Nine of Amnesty International in KW meeting, 7pm Monday 29 Sept 2014

From the Group Nine mailing list:

Group Nine Meeting

Amnesty International CanadaThe meeting will be on Monday, 29 September, 7PM, room 1301, at Conrad Grebel on the east side of Westmount Drive just north of University Avenue.

Parking is free and, for those who need it, there are several accessible spaces just in front of the main door.

Our main agenda item will be organizing for the Write-for-Rights event in December. This always occurs on or near Human Rights Day which is on the 10th. Nancy Bernhardt can no longer organize these, but she will be there on the 29th to advise anyone else who can volunteer.

One of the items to be discussed is the invitation from Peace and Conflict Studies at Conrad Grebel to give a one hour presentation on Group Nine and Amnesty International to their brown bag lunch series. I’ve tentatively set this for November 20th.

If there are any other items you’d like to have on the agenda, please let me know ASAP. In general, I see this as an opportunity for all of us to get to know each other and make plans for the coming year. New members are always welcome!

Hope to see you on the 29th!

David Lubell is the offical Group Nine e-mail address. Group Nine is the local chapter of Amnesty International Kitchener-Waterloo and area.

Website for Group Nine : *under reconstruction*
Amnesty International Canada:

Book Launch – Harsha Walia: Undoing Border Imperialism — 19 January 2014, 6:30pm

Found on the WPIRG events calendar:

Undoing Border Imperialism Book Launch w/ Harsha Walia and the End Immigration Detention Campaign!

VENUE : Kitchener Downtown Community Centre, Multipurpose Room – 35-B Weber St W, Kitchener, ON N2G 4V6

CITY: Kitchener, Six Nations of the Grand River Territory

Join us for the book launch of Undoing Border Imperialism with the End Indefinite Immigration Detention Campaign, who will be speaking about the continued struggle of immigration detainees.

Undoing Border Imperialism is an exciting new book that situates immigrant rights movements within a transnational analysis of capitalism, labor exploitation, settler colonialism, state building, and racialized empire. By providing the alternative conceptual frameworks of border imperialism and decolonization, this work offers relevant insights for all grassroots and social movement organizers on effective strategies to overcome the barriers and borders within our movements in order to cultivate fierce, loving, and sustainable communities of resistance striving toward liberation. (Visit: )

Books will be available for sale at this event (cash-only). The author and local contributors will be available for a book-signing following the event.

This is a free event, although we welcome any donations to support ongoing local struggles.
Organized by Grand River Indigenous Solidarity (GRIS)

For more information, contact GRIS :
For more information on the book, including ordering information:

AK Press | Undoing Border Imperialism

goodreads – Undoing Border Imperialism


Harsha Walia is a South Asian author and activist who resides in Vancouver, on the lands of the Indigenous Coast Salish people. Over the past decade, Harsha has organized in a number of social justice movements, particularly within anti-racist, feminist, anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist movements. Currently she is active in the migrant justice group No One Is Illegal, the February 14th Women’s Memorial March Committee for Missing and Murdered Women, the South Asian Network for Secularism and Democracy, the provincial Social Housing Coalition, as well as regular support for communities in the Indigenous Assembly Against Mining and Pipelines. Harsha is also a youth mentor for Check Your Head and an editorial collective member at Feminist Wire. Harsha has been named one of the most influential South Asians in BC by the Vancouver Sun and one of the ten most popular left-wing journalists by the Georgia Straight in 2010. She is the winner of the Canadian Center for Policy Alternatives “Power of Youth” award.

Social Justice Workshops for Teachers — Friday, 17 January 2014

Found this on Eventbrite:

A Day of Professional Development
Waterloo Region Occasional Teachers Local
Friday, January 17, 2014 from 10:00 AM to 3:30 PM (EST)
Kitchener, ON

The Equity and Social Justice Committee for the Waterloo Occasional Teachers Local is pleased to present a Day of Professional Development. We are pleased to provide two workshops; you may choose to attend either workshop or both! If you choose to attend both workshops, lunch will be provided.

Workshop #1 (10:00am to 12:00pm): An Arts and Literacy Approach to Address Bullying presented by Larry Schwartz. This interactive workshop will invite K-8 teachers to explore and integrate the Arts into literacy approaches to address bullying issues. Participants will be offered drama and arts strategies that help students to respond reflect and consider healthy relationships while recognizing that everyone is capable of showing positive actions.

Workshop #2 (12:30pm to 3:30pm): Social Justice Begins With Me presented by Jeffrey Wilkin. This workshop introduces members to the Social Justice Begins with Me resource kit, designed to help teachers address issues of equity and social justice in their classroom and assist students in developing awareness and understanding of these issues. Lesson plans for K to grade 8 are linked to Ontario’s curriculum. The workshop will show teachers how to engage diverse learners and create classroom environments that are safe and inclusive.

Have questions about A Day of Professional Development? Contact Waterloo Region Occasional Teachers Local on Eventbrite

Peace and Justice Studies Association Student Conference – Thu-Sat, 17-19 October 2013

The University of Waterloo Calendar tells me:


Thursday, October 17, 2013 – 8:00 pm to Saturday, October 19, 2013 – 7:00 pm

What is PJSA?

The PJSA (Peace and Justice Studies Association) is a non-profit organization formed in 2001. It is a professional association for scholars in the field of peace and conflict resolution studies. It is the North American affiliate of the International Peace Research Association. This year, the PJSA Conference is co-hosted by Wilfrid Laurier University (WLU) and Conrad Grebel University College (CGUC, UW). The conference starts on Thursday Oct 17th, 8:00 pm, ends on Saturday Oct 19th, at 7:00pm

The conference will take place at both Wilfrid Laurier University (WLU) and Conrad Grebel University College (CGUC).

Petitions for a Better Canada

In her latest newsletter, Eleanor Grant writes of several local events, followed by a number of petitions on federal issues as Canada Day approaches ….

ACTION: Are you sick of scandals and secret deals in Ottawa? Democracy Watch has launched 2 campaigns for better ethics rules:

Government Ethics Campaign | Democracy Watch

and Stop Fraud Politician Spending | Democracy Watch


ACTION: Tell Harper to support the G8 plan on closing Tax Havens: Canada Must Support the G8 Tax Haven Action Plan | Canadians for Tax Fairness


ACTION: “Fix the Bill” on banning Cluster Bombs. Canada has ratified a Convention to ban cluster bombs, but the bill to implement it, Bill S-10, is full of loopholes: Petition at Mines Action Canada. There is also a write to your MP tool on Mines Action Canada’s website tailored to the Bill S-10 issues. From the group that brought the ban on Landmines.


ACTION: NO to Genetically Modified Alfalfa: GM Alfalfa has now been Registered for use in Canada. CBAN says, “Our government is siding with multinational companies against the best interests of farmers and our food system. I do not accept this. Do you?” Email your MP instantly from Stop GM Contamination: Stop GM Alfalfa / Take Action – Canadian Biotechnology Action Network – CBAN


And don’t forget the MultiCultural festival next weekend June 22-23, and the Nonviolence festival Sat July 13 – both in Victoria Park.

Eleanor Grant writes a semi-regular e-mail newsletter on social justice issues. You can contact Eleanor at

Obstacles to a Good Life for Refugees — Monday, 17 June 2013 at 7:00pm

Obstacles to a Good Life for Refugees — Monday, 17 June 2013 at 7:00pm

In her latest newsletter, Eleanor Grant writes of several local events, followed by a number of petitions on federal issues as Canada Day approaches ….

EVENT: Obstacles to a Good Life for Refugees.
Tonight Mon June 17 at 7 pm at First United Church, King and William Street, Waterloo. (Park in public lot off Caroline.) [map]
KAIROS-GRAND RIVER invites you to explore what are the obstacles for good life for refugees and how can our community respond to these issues.
Contact: Dianne Gilchrist at 519-579-3589 |


Events are being held throughout June in honour of the refugees among us:

Eleanor Grant writes a semi-regular e-mail newsletter on social justice issues. You can contact Eleanor at

World Refugee Day, 18 June 2013

Eleanor Grant writes:

Events will be held throughout June in honour of the refugees among us:

History of Seeking and Providing Refuge in Waterloo Region

Museum displays, open house, books, art, story-telling, concert, community BBQ and much more!

Eleanor Grant writes a semi-regular e-mail newsletter on social justice issues. You can contact Eleanor at

Refugee Sponsorship: Obstacles to a Good Life for Refugees – Monday, 17 June 2013

Theme: Refugee Sponsorship (Obstacles to a Good Life for Refugees) – with discussion.
Guest presenters:

  • Jennifer Ardon, Church Liaison and Volunteer Coordinator, Canadian Lutheran World Relief (CLWR)
  • Janet Howitt, Trinity United Church and Chair of the Refugee Committee

at First United Church – King & William Street, Waterloo map at 7 p.m. (doors open at 6:45 p.m.)

(This is a World Refugee Day Kitchener-Waterloo Event. See for complete listing.)

Two new actions and events

Two actions, two events: Petition against tax evaders, Citizens’ Climate Lobby, Israeli settlements, Dorothy Day documentary

Here’s the latest newsletter from Eleanor Grant:

Hello KW peace and justice supporters.

Two Events and two Actions:

ACTION 1 on Tax Evaders:

The G8 meeting this week in Northern Ireland will discuss a public registry to prevent individuals or corporations hiding their income or profits behind shell companies. But to implement this much-needed plan, the G8 needs unanimity. CANADA can either be the reason it fails, dooming us all to billions in extra taxes, or it can be the champion that ensures the deal passes.

Tell PM Harper you want Canada to be a backer not a blocker:
Avaaz – Harper: End the great tax scam


ACTION 2 on Climate:

In early May we passed the milestone of 400 parts per million of carbon in Earth’s atmosphere. This trend must be reversed if there’s to be a sustainable future on this planet.

A local chapter of the Citizens’ Climate Lobby is being formed. Read more at We Generate Political Will for a Livable World

There will be an initial meeting, at the organizer’s home, on Sat June 1, with lots more to follow. If you’d like to get involved in this, please let me know and I’ll put you in touch.


EVENT 1 on Israeli Settlements:

Thurs May 30, 7 to 9 pm,
UW Student Life Centre, Multi-Purpose Room:

A CHALLENGE TO JUSTICE: a PowerPoint presentation by Omar Ramahi, on Israel’s policy of settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Omar was a 1948 refugee. Read more at Israeli Settlements: A Challenge to Justice | Waterloo Public Interest Research Group


EVENT 2 on Dorothy Day, founder of the Catholic Worker movement:

Tues June 4 at 7 pm,
Queen St Commons (43 Queen S Kit):

Documentary Screening: DON’T CALL ME A SAINT

Local sponsor Isaiah Boronka writes:
Dorothy Day’s life and the movement she founded exemplify an approach to issues surrounding peace and justice that place an equal emphasis on personal commitment & change as on social change – her remarkable life and the movement she helped start has had a profound influence on many, including KW’s own Working Centre.

Read more at: Dorothy Day: Don’t Call Me a Saint


Hope to see you at these events.

And please sign the Avaaz petition at the top of this msg.

Eleanor Grant

Eleanor Grant writes a semi-regular e-mail newsletter on social justice issues. You can contact Eleanor at