Who: Nonviolence Festival
What: 9th Annual Day In The Park
When: Noon to 5:00pm, Saturday, 13 July 2013
Where: Victoria Park Island [map]
Read more, or request a table for your group, at http://www.nonviolencefestival.com/
Newsletters, articles and events for Kitchener-Waterloo's Peace and Social Justice activists
Who: Nonviolence Festival
What: 9th Annual Day In The Park
When: Noon to 5:00pm, Saturday, 13 July 2013
Where: Victoria Park Island [map]
Read more, or request a table for your group, at http://www.nonviolencefestival.com/
In her latest newsletter, Eleanor Grant writes of several local events, followed by a number of petitions on federal issues as Canada Day approaches ….
ACTION: Are you sick of scandals and secret deals in Ottawa? Democracy Watch has launched 2 campaigns for better ethics rules:
Government Ethics Campaign | Democracy Watch
and Stop Fraud Politician Spending | Democracy Watch
ACTION: Tell Harper to support the G8 plan on closing Tax Havens: Canada Must Support the G8 Tax Haven Action Plan | Canadians for Tax Fairness
ACTION: “Fix the Bill” on banning Cluster Bombs. Canada has ratified a Convention to ban cluster bombs, but the bill to implement it, Bill S-10, is full of loopholes: Petition at Mines Action Canada. There is also a write to your MP tool on Mines Action Canada’s website tailored to the Bill S-10 issues. From the group that brought the ban on Landmines.
ACTION: NO to Genetically Modified Alfalfa: GM Alfalfa has now been Registered for use in Canada. CBAN says, “Our government is siding with multinational companies against the best interests of farmers and our food system. I do not accept this. Do you?” Email your MP instantly from Stop GM Contamination: Stop GM Alfalfa / Take Action – Canadian Biotechnology Action Network – CBAN
And don’t forget the MultiCultural festival next weekend June 22-23, and the Nonviolence festival Sat July 13 – both in Victoria Park.
Eleanor Grant writes a semi-regular e-mail newsletter on social justice issues. You can contact Eleanor at eleanor7000@gmail.com
Obstacles to a Good Life for Refugees — Monday, 17 June 2013 at 7:00pm
In her latest newsletter, Eleanor Grant writes of several local events, followed by a number of petitions on federal issues as Canada Day approaches ….
EVENT: Obstacles to a Good Life for Refugees.
Tonight Mon June 17 at 7 pm at First United Church, King and William Street, Waterloo. (Park in public lot off Caroline.) [map]
KAIROS-GRAND RIVER invites you to explore what are the obstacles for good life for refugees and how can our community respond to these issues.
Contact: Dianne Gilchrist at 519-579-3589 | dianne.gilchrist@bell.netWORLD REFUGEE DAY JUNE 20
Events are being held throughout June in honour of the refugees among us:
Eleanor Grant writes a semi-regular e-mail newsletter on social justice issues. You can contact Eleanor at eleanor7000@gmail.com
Community Meeting and Mobilization on RISING GRT TRANSIT FARES — Wed, 19 June 2013
In her latest newsletter, Eleanor Grant writes of several local events, followed by a number of petitions on federal issues as Canada Day approaches ….
EVENT: Community Meeting and Mobilization on RISING GRT TRANSIT FARES. Bus passes and tickets are going up by 10% on July 1. This will present a hardship for the main populations who ride the bus: low-wage workers, the unemployed, and those on assistance. An action group is forming to demand a halt to the increase and more subsidized fares to be made available.
Join us Wed June 19 at 7 pm at Queen St Commons (43 Queen S). [map]
Contact shannon.balla@gmail.com
Eleanor Grant writes a semi-regular e-mail newsletter on social justice issues. You can contact Eleanor at eleanor7000@gmail.com
Dialogue on Diversity — 24 June 2013
In her latest newsletter, Eleanor Grant writes of several local events, followed by a number of petitions on federal issues as Canada Day approaches ….
EVENT: Dialogue on Diversity.
Mon June 24 at 1 pm at the Region office at 150 Frederick. [map]
Does our commitment to Diversity include those in poverty and precarious employment? What is needed to make our commitment real?Learn more and register at: Diversity & Inclusion Events — Region of Waterloo
Eleanor Grant writes a semi-regular e-mail newsletter on social justice issues. You can contact Eleanor at eleanor7000@gmail.com
In her latest newsletter, Eleanor Grant writes of several local events, followed by a number of petitions on federal issues as Canada Day approaches ….
EVENT: Housing Opens Doors.
On June 27, ONPHA, the Social Planning Council of Kitchener-Waterloo, and HHUG will set-up the Housing Opens Doors installation in front of Kitchener City Hall [map] to raise awareness of the importance of affordable housing and the powerful role it plays in Waterloo Region.
Join us between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. and show your support for affordable housing. You know that an affordable home has the power to change lives and benefit communities – help us share that message!
Eleanor Grant writes a semi-regular e-mail newsletter on social justice issues. You can contact Eleanor at eleanor7000@gmail.com
@PeaceCampGrebel holds a week-long Peace Camp from 29 July to 2 August
Sarah Klassen, the Camp Coordinator for Conrad Grebel Peace Camp writes:
Peace Camp is a week-long day camp for youth ages 11-14, where youth can participate in games, activities, sports, crafts, and drama similar to what you would find at any other summer camp, but with a focus on peace and social justice. We use educational activities, engaging guest speakers, and exciting field trips to empower youth to work for peace in their homes, school, neighborhoods, communities, and country.
This summer, our theme is “Local Actions with Global Impact” and we will be looking at actions that we can take locally that will have a peaceful impact on our wider national and global communities. We have some great plans in the works for activities, guest speakers and field trips surrounding this theme that we think youth will really enjoy. Peace Camp 2013 will be held on July 29th to August 2nd from 9 am to 4 pm. The cost is $175 per camper, lunch included, and there are some subsidies available. We still have spots available for interested youth!
Note that the registration forms have to be in by 28 June 2013!
Here’s the press release:
Peace Camp aims for Global Impact with Local Actions
WATERLOO, ON—Conrad Grebel University College’s third annual Peace Camp is a memorable and meaningful summer camp option for youth aged 11-14. This week long day camp, starting on July 29th, is action-packed with exciting new activities, crafts, games, and field trips that will encourage youth to inspire lives, strengthen ties, and make peace happen all over the Waterloo region.
Last year a camper came away from Peace Camp saying: “I’ve learned so much that I’d like to remember my whole life. I’ve made so many great friends and counsellors I’ll never forget. I’ve learned that sometimes being sad because of a story makes you remember it even more. This camp really made me care about things and made me try harder to make the world better. I really want to come to this camp again because here, every game or story, or person you meet, means something. In this camp I’ve learned to stand up for what I believe in and NEVER give up no matter what!”
Equipped with a 5-year grant from the Lyle S. Hallman Foundation and on-going sponsorship from the Mennonite Savings and Credit Union and Josslin Insurance, Peace Camp is embarking on a voyage of learning and discovery where youth will collaborate with people in different neighbourhoods to help ordinary citizens do extraordinary deeds.
Peace Camp partners with the peacebuilding organizations of Interfaith Grand River and House of Friendship, as well as organizations committed to reversing the effects of violence – Working Against Youth Violence Everywhere committee (WAYVE) and the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA). Peace Camp is fortunate to be able to draw on the experience and expertise of these organizations to include people from all walks of life in peacemaking in Peace Camp’s programming.
Peace Camp Coordinator, Sarah Klassen, noted that “this summer’s theme ‘Local Actions With Global Impact’ will allow youth to participate in and experiment with arts, crafts, games, and sports that will not only teach co-operation and respect for others in the local community, but in the global community as well.” Youth will learn about actions that can be taken at home that can have a peaceful impact around the world.
Registration is now open! Peace Camp will be run from Monday, July 29th to August 2nd, 2013 from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm, and lunch is included. Peace Camp is committed to providing a low-cost program to make sure all interested youth can participate. The total cost per camper is $175.00.
Register at www.grebel.ca/peacecamp
Twitter: @PeaceCampGrebel
Facebook: Conrad Grebel Peace Camp – Waterloo, ON – EducationPeace Camp at Conrad Grebel University College, University of Waterloo.
Inspiring lives. Strengthening Ties. Making Peace Happen in the Waterloo Region
Sarah Klassen — Peace Camp Coordinator
140 Westmount Road North
Waterloo, Ont. N2L 3G6
519-885-0220 x24291
@FairvoteWRC presents Whipped: The secret world of party discipline, Mon 24 June 2013, 7pm at WLU
Hello Everyone,
“WHIPPED“, Sean Holman’s new documentary on the topical and controversial issue of party discipline is coming to Waterloo Region along with the filmmaker! To whom do MP’s owe their greatest allegiance: their party, their constituents or their conscience?
On Monday, June 24 at 7pm at Laurier’s Bricker Academic Building, Room 210, FVC-WR and co-sponsors KWNDP, KWGP, KWFLA and YCYC/VCVC are pleased to screen, “WHIPPED” and host a post screening panel with the filmmaker Sean Holman, Larry Aberle, President of the KWNDP and Karen Redman, former Liberal MP and party whip.
This is going to be a great evening of political education for all. We will be taking donations at the door to help cover expenses for this event. Suggested donation is $10 or what you can spare!
Hope to see you on June 24 for an exciting evening of political discussion.
Kind regards,
Sharon Sommerville, Co-Chair
Who: Fair Vote Canada Waterloo Region Chapter
What: Film Screening of “WHIPPED: The secret world of party discipline”
When: Monday, 24 June 2013, 7:00pm
Where: Room 210, Bricker Academic Building, Wilfrid Laurier University, Bricker St., Waterloo, Ontario map
Donation: Suggested $10 donation at the door
More information: Sharon Sommerville at shareonsommerville@gmail or Anita Nickerson at anita.nickerson@fairvote.ca
Eleanor Grant writes:
Events will be held throughout June in honour of the refugees among us:
History of Seeking and Providing Refuge in Waterloo Region
Museum displays, open house, books, art, story-telling, concert, community BBQ and much more!
Eleanor Grant writes a semi-regular e-mail newsletter on social justice issues. You can contact Eleanor at eleanor7000@gmail.com
Theme: Refugee Sponsorship (Obstacles to a Good Life for Refugees) – with discussion.
Guest presenters:
at First United Church – King & William Street, Waterloo map at 7 p.m. (doors open at 6:45 p.m.)
(This is a World Refugee Day Kitchener-Waterloo Event. See http://worldrefugeedaykw.ca for complete listing.)