World Water Day Celebration – Friday, March 21, 2014 – 10:30 am to 5:00 pm

From the University of Waterloo events calendar:

World Water Day Celebration

Friday, March 21, 2014 – 10:30 am to 5:00 pm

A special event to mark UN World Water Day that includes a poster exhibition, two keynote speakers and a career fair.

Keynote speakers are the CRI’s Water Grandmother Cecelia Brookes and Dr. Monique Dube.

The Water Institute and its graduate student group SWIGS are marking UN World Water Day with a day-long event that includes a poster exhibition, two keynote speakers and a career fair. Join us, our WLU partners from Laurier Institute for Water Science and the Cold Regions Research Centre as well as some of the Water Institute’s External Partners in the EIT building.

Host: The Water Institute
Event website: World Water Day 2014
Location: EIT – Centre for Environmental and Information Technology
Room 1015, 200 University Avenue West, Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1 Canada

WISE Film Screening: Pandora’s Promise – Tuesday, 11 March 2014, 7:30pm

The University of Waterloo’s Waterloo Institute for Sustainable Energy is hosting a film night on Tuesday, 11 March 2014 at 7:30pm to show Pandora’s Promise: Changing the conversation about the myths and science behind nuclear power. From their Web site:

A Robert Stone film
Official Selection – Sundance Film Festival

Location: RCH 302, University of Waterloo [map]

You are invited to a special screening of Pandora’s Promise.
There will be a short introduction by Dr. Peter Poruks, Ph.D., Manager of Regulatory Affairs, the Canadian Nuclear Association, who will also be available for questions following the screening.

This screening is open to all students and the public.

Impact Partners, in association with Vulcan Productions and CNN Films, presents PANDORA’S PROMISE, the groundbreaking new film by Academy-Award®-nominated director Robert Stone. The atomic bomb and meltdowns like Fukushima have made nuclear power synonymous with global disaster. But what if we’ve got nuclear power wrong? An audience favorite at the Sundance Film Festival, PANDORA’S PROMISE asks whether the one technology we fear most could save our planet from a climate catastrophe, while providing the energy needed to lift billions of people in the developing world out of poverty. In his controversial new film, Stone tells the intensely personal stories of environmentalists and energy experts who have undergone a radical conversion from being fiercely anti to strongly pro-nuclear energy, risking their careers and reputations in the process. Stone exposes this controversy within the environmental movement head-on with stories of defection by heavy weights including Stewart Brand, Richard Rhodes, Gwyneth Cravens, Mark Lynas and Michael Shellenberger. Undaunted and fearlessly independent, PANDORA’S PROMISE is a landmark work that is forever changing the conversation about the myths and science behind this deeply emotional and polarizing issue.

Visit the Eventbrite page for free registration.

Tell Council “I support Light Rail”

Eleanor Grant writes:

Friends and Neighbours in Waterloo Region –

The winning bid to build the LRT in Kitchener-Waterloo was announced Friday, and it comes in under budget.

It will be voted on by Regional Councillors on March 4 in committee, and ratified on March 19. There should be shovels in the ground this spring.

The official announcement: Staff recommend GrandLinq as the preferred team for ION Stage 1 LRT

The winning consortium is GrandLinq. It is not the one with ties to SNC Lavalin, we can be relieved to hear! I’ve put links to all the media coverage on it at the end of this message.

Must see video

The TriTAG group (stands for Tri-cities Transport Action Group) has produced an excellent little video explaining the ION project in 90 seconds:

Please view it and pass it on to your friends 🙂

As you know, our Councillors have been bombarded with negative messages, most of them based on pretty inaccurate information, from those who want to stop the project or tie it up in endless delays.

But I suspect that the silent majority of us see the benefits of LRT (that doesn’t mean it’s perfect), and we want to see it get started.

Councillors need to hear from us at this time.

On TriTAG‘s site please click on the link to “E-mail your Councillors”. Tell them briefly in your own words, why you think the light rail project should go ahead.

You can also register as a delegation at the meetings on 4 March 2014 at 3:00pm and 19 March 2014 at 6:00pm.

I have registered for 4 March. One thing I’ll be talking about is the confidence-building we need to do with our neighbours in Cambridge, so they can feel more reassured during the gap years between Stage 1 in KW and Stage 2 being built to Cambridge in the future.

I’ve learned some exciting facts about the project recently, that aren’t all on the web sites:

  • The next new iXpress (203) route is being introduced the end of April. It will travel from Sportsworld along Maple Grove (Loblaws warehouse and Toyota plant), into the core of Hespeler, then down Franklin Blvd and over to Cambridge Centre mall. A new terminal area for a dozen bus links is being built on Hespeler Rd near the front of the mall.
  • Starting in Sept this new iXpress will also go from Sportsworld to Conestoga College at peak hours.
  • Also starting in Sept, the original iXpress, the 200, will be stopping at Sportsworld (I wish they’d do this sooner).
  • The adapted bus rapid transit for Cambridge – aBRT – is now expected to start in early 2015. Tenders for this work should go out soon. It will assume the 200 route from Fairview on. Stops will be: Fairview; Sportsworld; Eagle/Pinebush; Cambridge Centre mall new terminal; Can-Amera (YMCA); the Delta (Babcock & Wilcox); and Ainslie St terminal. Ainslie terminal is also going to be spruced up.
  • Serious talks are underway to improve GO train service to Kitchener, and maybe even reopen the Milton rail corridor to Cambridge. It all takes time – no promises yet! But for the Province to invest in these improvements, they need to see a higher order rapid transit built here, such as LRT.

Three things must dovetail together: a good bus grid, a rapid transit “spine”, and inter-city links. That’s why it’s time for LRT now. Waterloo Region is getting out in front of the population growth mandated for our area. Failure to get ahead of the curve only leads to the wasteful gridlock we now see in the GTA.

Please go to TriTAG now and click on the link to “E-mail your Councillors”. Right now is when our Councillors need to know we’re with them, and that we appreciate their efforts to bring us this far.

Thanks All,



Media coverage on LRT bid:

Kitchener Post: LRT: $593 million to build, $900 million to run

CTV (2 segments):

CBC News: LRT construction bid pegged at $532M

The Record: Top LRT bid comes in under budget

570 News: GrandLinq recommended group for LRT project

The Region has also released a nice brochure (26 pages long) explaining the Why and How of Rapid Transit: The story of rapid transit in Waterloo Region (6.0 MBytes, .PDF file)


Eleanor Grant writes a semi-regular e-mail newsletter on social justice issues. You can contact Eleanor at

Stand with the Philippines — vigil near you – Thursday, 21 November 2013 at 5:00pm

Thursday at 5:00pm at Waterloo Square [map]

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: “Jamie Henn –” <>
Date: Nov 20, 2013 1:58 PM
Subject: Stand with the Philippines — vigil near you.
To: “Eleanor Grant” <>


All across the world this Thursday and Friday, people will be lighting candles to call for climate action that honors the memory of the lives lost to Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines.

As the UN climate negotiations draw to a close, we’ll show that a united global movement for change can be the real light of hope in our warming world. We’re responding to a call for solidarity from the Philippines, and shining a light for the people who are feeling the impacts of climate change — even though they’ve done little to cause it.

There’s a vigil near you — can you be there to honor and remember the lives lost to this climate disaster?

Here are the details:

What: We Stand With You Vigil for Climate Justice in the Philippines
Where: In the public space outside of the Value Mart mall near Beer Town
Location: Waterloo
When: Thursday, November 21, 5:00 PM

You can RSVP here: #WeStandWithYou Vigil – 350

If you attend, remember to bring a candle (plus one for a friend!)

Government corruption and indifference has left many people without the assistance they need. 350 organizers have been on the ground in heavily impacted areas pulling together a grassroots-led relief effort to help fill in the gaps — but they’ll need your help to pull it off.

At the vigils we will be raising money for Brigada Kalikasan, the relief effort that our friends are organizing — even as we send a message to the government of the Philippines that the world expects better.

In a sane world, this work would be undertaken by our supposed leaders, the kinds of people meeting in Warsaw for the UN talks right now. But in a world still ruled by fossil fuel interests, it’s up to us to be the leaders.

These are tough times, but as always hope can be found in our work together.

Jamie is building a global movement to solve the climate crisis. Connect with us on Facebook and Twitter, and sign up for email alerts.

You can help power our work by getting involved locally, sharing your story, and donating here.

Dan Burton Presents: In Between Spaces, An Art Show – Friday, 23 August 2013

Cathy MacLellan writes:

Hello Friends:

Next weekend I’ll be celebrating yet another birthday – by attending an art show in Kitchener! On Friday, August 23rd, I’ll be at the Opus Lounge, supporting our local artists and ROOF. Just as Waterloo Region has become a hub for hi tech entrepreneurial enterprises so too the number of new and promising artists has grown exponentially, full disclosure – my daughter is one of them! This event marks the professional curatorial debut of Daniel Burton. Look for the posters around town and check it out here:

Buying Tickets:

“It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.”
Henry David Thoreau

Enjoy your weekend!

Cathy MacLellan

And Happy Birthday, Cathy!

Tools for Change: Farm to Fork – Tuesday, 11 June 2013

TransitionKW presents: Tools for change: Farm to fork on Tuesday, 11 June 2013 from 7:00pm to 9:00pm at the Kitchener Farmers Market, 300 King St E in Kitchener.

TransitionKW is hosting a local food cooking demo at the Kitchener Farmers’ Market (2nd floor). Come out to learn about the link between local food and sustainable living, and learn how to cook a great meal with seasonal, local produce! Just $5. Invite your friends!

Register by emailing

Water Symposium – Saturday, 8 June 2013

Eleanor Grant writes:

Saturday June 8, at the rare Nature Reserve on Blair Rd, Cambridge:
– Water Symposium: Conserve & Protect – Symposium on Water quantity and quality in Grand River basin – 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. – at the RARE ECO Centre Historic Slit Barn.

Read more and Pre-register ($10) at: CREW: Symposium on Water quantity and quality in Grand River basin

Enjoy the day at rare on the banks of the Grand River: rare Charitable Research Reserve

Record story on the restoration of the slit barn: Rare Blair Road barn gets new life

Eleanor Grant writes a semi-regular e-mail newsletter on social justice issues. You can contact Eleanor at

Animate the Trail, Sunday, 2 June 2013

Animate the Trail, the Kitchener community party along the Iron Horse Trail, is back for its second year:

On Sunday, June 2nd, from 1-5pm, the Iron Horse Trail will come alive! Join us and neighbours from across the city, as we turn the trail into a cultural pot-pourri.

This event is a natural evolution from the original “Car Free Sundays” event, moving it to a well loved and yet often forgotten urban trail, which already has all the infrastructure required to welcome active transportation of all sorts: walking, jogging, biking, skateboarding.

Last year’s event saw an acoustic stage and artisan bazaar at the Henry Sturm Green, art displays from local artists, buskers, school groups, and more. And this year will be even bigger and better.

There’s much more info on the Animate the Trail web site.


Two new actions and events

Two actions, two events: Petition against tax evaders, Citizens’ Climate Lobby, Israeli settlements, Dorothy Day documentary

Here’s the latest newsletter from Eleanor Grant:

Hello KW peace and justice supporters.

Two Events and two Actions:

ACTION 1 on Tax Evaders:

The G8 meeting this week in Northern Ireland will discuss a public registry to prevent individuals or corporations hiding their income or profits behind shell companies. But to implement this much-needed plan, the G8 needs unanimity. CANADA can either be the reason it fails, dooming us all to billions in extra taxes, or it can be the champion that ensures the deal passes.

Tell PM Harper you want Canada to be a backer not a blocker:
Avaaz – Harper: End the great tax scam


ACTION 2 on Climate:

In early May we passed the milestone of 400 parts per million of carbon in Earth’s atmosphere. This trend must be reversed if there’s to be a sustainable future on this planet.

A local chapter of the Citizens’ Climate Lobby is being formed. Read more at We Generate Political Will for a Livable World

There will be an initial meeting, at the organizer’s home, on Sat June 1, with lots more to follow. If you’d like to get involved in this, please let me know and I’ll put you in touch.


EVENT 1 on Israeli Settlements:

Thurs May 30, 7 to 9 pm,
UW Student Life Centre, Multi-Purpose Room:

A CHALLENGE TO JUSTICE: a PowerPoint presentation by Omar Ramahi, on Israel’s policy of settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Omar was a 1948 refugee. Read more at Israeli Settlements: A Challenge to Justice | Waterloo Public Interest Research Group


EVENT 2 on Dorothy Day, founder of the Catholic Worker movement:

Tues June 4 at 7 pm,
Queen St Commons (43 Queen S Kit):

Documentary Screening: DON’T CALL ME A SAINT

Local sponsor Isaiah Boronka writes:
Dorothy Day’s life and the movement she founded exemplify an approach to issues surrounding peace and justice that place an equal emphasis on personal commitment & change as on social change – her remarkable life and the movement she helped start has had a profound influence on many, including KW’s own Working Centre.

Read more at: Dorothy Day: Don’t Call Me a Saint


Hope to see you at these events.

And please sign the Avaaz petition at the top of this msg.

Eleanor Grant

Eleanor Grant writes a semi-regular e-mail newsletter on social justice issues. You can contact Eleanor at

March Against Monsanto Everywhere – Saturday, 25 May 2013

In her e-mail newsletter Eleanor Grant tells us:

Marches are planned in over 250 cities around the world, to take back our food supply from the growing use of genetically modified crops (GMOs).

Marchers will meet in front of the KITCHENER MARKET map at 2 pm, and peacefully walk to Kitchener City Hall, where great speakers are planned. WEAR A RED T-SHIRT – and bring a sign if you like! Contact <>

For more info on the world-wide movement, please visit March Against Monsanto. If you click on the drop box in the “Home” bar, there’s a Links tab with informative articles on GMOs. For example, Der Spiegel on-line reports that German scientists are investigating suspected links between GMOs and Colony Collapse Disorder in bees – but can’t get funding to continue their research.

And view for free the feature-length documentary The World According to Monsanto (YouTube video, 1h49m)

Eleanor Grant writes a semi-regular e-mail newsletter on social justice issues. You can contact Eleanor at